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MLOps Capstone project

Code linting Code testing Model validation


DockerHub ML image:

Predicting on-time, delayed and cancelled flights

Business problem revolves around improving operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction through accurate flight status predictions. By classifying flights as on-time, canceled, or diverted, airlines can gain crucial insights to optimize their operations and provide a better service to their passengers.

Dataset: (Combined_Flights_2022.csv)

Team members:

  • Ivan Golov
  • Artem Bulgakov
  • Alexey Tkachenko

Deploy best model

  1. Install Docker (or Docker Desktop) with Docker Compose plugin.
  2. Run Flask API and Gradio UI:
    docker compose up --build ml-gradio ml-api ml
  3. Check Gradio UI at http://localhost:8084, Flask API at http://localhost:8083, model API at http://localhost:8082/ping.


We use Docker to setup Airflow and run ZenML server. For local development and running MLFlow, we use Poetry venv.

Setup Docker

  1. Install Docker (or Docker Desktop) with Docker Compose plugin.
  2. Run the following command:
    mkdir -p ./services/airflow/dags ./services/airflow/logs ./services/airflow/plugins ./services/airflow/config
    echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
  3. Build images:
    docker compose build --pull

Setup Poetry

  1. Install Python 3.11
  2. Install Poetry 1.8.3
  3. Add poetry plugin
    $ poetry self add poetry-plugin-export
  4. Configure .venv location
    $ poetry config true
  5. Create .venv with Python 3.11 (make sure you have it installed)
    $ poetry env use python3.11
  6. Install dependencies
    $ poetry install --with dev
  7. Set up pre-commit hooks
    $ poetry run pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t commit-msg

Running services

Airflow and ZenML

We use Docker Compose to run all services of Airflow and ZenML server.

  1. Start Airflow services and ZenML server:
    docker compose up --build
  2. Wait several minutes (Airflow may take a lot of time to start).
  3. Access Airflow at http://localhost:8080 (default login airflow, password airflow).
  4. Access ZenML server at http://localhost:8081 (default login admin, password admin).

Running MLFlow

  1. Start MLFlow server in one terminal:
    mlflow server
  2. Run entry point in second terminal:
    mlflow run . --env-manager=local
  3. Wait for all models to train.
  4. Access MLFlow server at http://localhost:5000.


Each folder contains a file with short description for every file. Code is well-documented with inline comments and representative symbol names


MLops elective summer project






No packages published

Contributors 3
