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Cassie Tarakajian edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 24 revisions


A big part of learning at ITP is learning from each other. So share your work and in exchange you'll get to see everyone else's!

  1. Do the assignment.
  2. Contribute a question.
  3. Post documentation in the form of a blog post. Ideally something visual, some written thoughts, and code. If you are struggling with your sketch and can't get things to work, you should feel free to put your energy into writing about what didn't work (and vent any frustrations!).

How to turn in your homework assignments

Use this form to turn in your homework assignments.

Assignments are due before class at 2PM each week. This is so I have time to look over your assignments before class! Keeping in mind that I want you to succeed, and that the material can sometimes be challenging, I absolutely prefer tentative work to work that is turned in late.

Homework Responses

Week 7




  • Spend some time cleaning up and documenting your midterm project. This will probably include:
    • Title
    • Brief written description
    • Visual Documentation: sketch running online, images, video, etc.
    • References: links to related projects, code samples, etc.
    • Source code (please cite your sources in the code comments)
  • Write a blog post exploring what you've learned about computation in the first half of ICM. Revisit your first blog post for ICM about how computation applies to your interests. Spend some time thinking about computation can be applied in other ways. Can computation be harmful to you? Can it help you be more creative?

Week 6




  • Next week you will be presenting your own assignments. Time limit is 5 minutes. Be prepared to point out 3 things in your sketch and how they're working. (e.g. Here's a loop, it's limit is being set by the mouse. This doohicky is an object and I have an array of 100 of them. They flicker and change color and when I click, I flip a boolean to make them start and stop flickering.)
  • Design a sketch in an object-oriented fashion. Follow these steps and see how far you get (even just doing the first couple steps is ok!)
    1. Make one single object with just variables.
    2. Put one or more functions in the object.
    3. Try manually making two objects.
    4. Duplicate the object using an array and make as many as you like!
  • If you are already working with classes/objects and arrays:
    1. Re-organize / break-down your classes into the "smallest functional units" possible.
    2. Try different ways to have your objects "communicate" with each other in some way.
  • In the end the goal is to have code in draw() that only makes calls to objects. Something like:
function draw() {
  // A single object
  // Another object
  // Calling a function on all of the objects in an array
  for (var i = 0; i < grapes.length; i++) {



Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1