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Himbeer Verfolgung

A simple RFID demo using a Raspberry Pi and Python

💡 About The Project

This is a very simplistic project to demonstrate the use of RFID technology. It uses the NXP MFRC-522 chip to communicate with Mifare Classic EV1 1K RFID tags.

It is intended to be used in the lecture "Soziotechnische Studien: Container, Paletten, Verpackungen" taught by Prof. Dr. Martin Binder at PH-Weingarten.

The project can be used in conjunction with this RESTful backend and this web frontend.

Getting Started

This project consists of two components: a hardware component and a software component. To get this project up and running follow these steps.

🛒 Prerequisites

This project is intended to run on a Raspberry Pi. You will need the following hardware:

🥧 Raspberry Pi setup


Follow this tutorial to setup your Pi up as a headless computer.

In the Imager software select Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) as operating system. Edit the OS customization settings, so they look something like this:

Replace the wireless LAN SSID and password with the ones from your wireless network.

To access your Pi, either connect it to a monitor and keyboard, or use SSH to access it. In the later case, use these tutorials to connect to your Pi: for Windows/for Mac. To log in, use the username and password you configured in the Imager software.

The ssh command should look like this:

ssh pi@raspberrypi-1.local

At the end of this step, you should have a command line in front of you where you can enter commands. You can check it by running the command whoami which shoud give you pi ;)


To use the GPIO-pins of the Pi, use the raspi-config tool to enable the SPI interface under System Options.

Shutdown your Pi to set up up the wiring using the following command:

sudo shutdown now

🪛 Hardware setup

Connect the RFID reader to your Pi. You can follow the instructions in the original post.

It should look like this:

Wiring of the Raspberry Pi and RC522 RFID reader

This Raspberry Pi pinout guide might also be helpful.

🧑‍💻 Software Setup

The following steps should all be completed on your Pi.


This demo uses the python programming language. It comes preinstalled on Raspbian OS, but running the demo requires a few additional tools. Install them using the following command:

sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip git

The two important tools used here are pip and git.


Download the sourcecode from this repository by running the following command:

git clone && cd himbeer-verfolgung-rfid

Install additional project dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This mainly install the python library necessary for interacting with the RF522 RFID module.

🐛 Usage

The main program resides in Run it using this command:


🤝 Contributing

Any contributions are welcome :) If you find any errors or if you have feedback, please open an issue on Github.

📜 License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

🙏 Acknowledgments

This project stands on the shoulders of giants. Those are:

Without these amazing people this project would't have been possible.


A simple RFID demo written in python






