Written by Nick Nissen, Payas Singh, Nadeen Mohammed, and Yuan Wang Supervided by Matt Taylor and Neda Navi For the Intelligent Robot Learning Laboratory (IRLL) at the University of Alberta (UofA) Supported by the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute
For questions or support contact us at hippogym.irll@gmail.com
The HIPPO Gym Project contains 4 repositories:
The main framework: HIPPO_Gym
The AWS code and instructions: HIPPO_Gym_AWS
The React Front End: HIPPO_Gym_React_FrontEnd
The SSL Certificate Getter: HIPPO_Gym_SSL
For members of the IRL Lab, or anyone whose organization has already setup the AWS infrastructure, the only repo required is #1.
Anyone is welcome to use the front-end deployed to irll.net
This script will get new SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt by running certbot and updating the route53 dns entries as required to verify domain ownership.
Once obtained, the updated certificates will be uploaded to S3 for seamless use by researchers.
certbot must be installed on the machine
boto3 (pip install boto3) dotenv (pip install dotenv) pexpect (pip install pexpect)
AWS credentials must be placed in a file called .env a template file called template.env is provided. The variables can be filled in and the file renamed.
22 22 22 * * cd PATH_TO/HIPPO_Gym_SSL/ && python3 get_ssl_certs.py >/dev/null 2>&1
This entry will run at 22min 22hrs 22nd day of every month. Note that you must cd to the containing directory because the script does filesystem operations within it's own directory.
Certificates are valid for 90 days, by replacing them monthly it guarantees that a deployed research project will have 60 days of validity before needing to be redeployed.
Since this script interacts with external services, namely AWS, failures are possible, for instance should internet access not be available when the crontab entry is run, then the certificates will not be updated. It is a good practice to check S3 on occaision to ensure up to date certificates.