Graphic clock timer to measure the duration of sound positions within syllables. Measure sounds for 2 second, 1 second, and half second syllable durations. Frequently used by speech language pathologists to treat patients with a stutter. The hand rotates at a default 4 seconds per rotation but can be speed up or slowed down as needed.
Download a Golang version >= 1.23.2. Upon successful download verify versioning with
$ go version
Clone this repository
$ git clone
Build an executable
$ go build -o soundPositionTimer main.go
Run the built file
$ ./soundPositionTimer
[Optional] Add the executable to your system's PATH so you can run the executable from anywhere
- This tool is build using Gio and is designed to be platform agnostic. It runs on MacOSX, Linux, and Windows.
- This implementation borrows heavily from this fantastic Gio tutorial
- Got questions? Email me at ianmcdiarmidsterling at gmail dot com