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iMio github actions

GitHub Release

This repository hosts a set of github actions we use to deploy our apps.



build/push a docker image using docker/build-push-action and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
IMAGE_NAME yes string Name of the image to build
IMAGE_TAGS yes string Tags of the image to build and push (one per line)
REGISTRY_URL yes string URL of the registry
REGISTRY_USERNAME yes string Username to login to registry
REGISTRY_PASSWORD yes string Password to login to registry
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost
PLATFORMS yes string "linux/amd64" Platforms to build the image for
CONTEXT yes string "./" Build context
DOCKERFILE yes string "Dockerfile" Name of the Dockerfile
BUILD_ARGS yes string "" Build arguments to pass to the Dockerfile
TARGET no string Target stage to build

Example of usage



Loop until a given url returns a 200 status-code. Can be used during deployments to test if an app is available.

name required type default description
URL yes string URL to test
TIMEOUT yes integer 5 Timeout (in minutes)

Example of usage



Run checks for Plone backend code and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook

This github action uses the code-analysis-action from the Plone organization.


name required type default description
BASE_DIR no string Base directory
CHECK no string Checks to be used
PATH no string Path to be checked
LOG_LEVEL no string "INFO" Log level
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Build a deb package, push it on a repository and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
REPOSITORY_URL yes string URL of the repository
REPOSITORY_LOGIN yes string Login for the repository
REPOSITORY_PASSWORD yes string Passsword for the repository
PACKAGE_NAME yes string Name of the package to build
PACKAGE_INSTALL_PATH yes string '/usr/...' Path to install package
PACKAGE_VERSION yes string Package version
PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY yes string 'passerelle' Package dependency
SIGNER_KEY yes string Key to sign deb package (base64 encoded)
SIGNER_KEY_ID yes string '9D4...' ID of the key to sign deb package
SIGNER_KEY_PASSPHRASE yes string Passphrase to sign deb package
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Release a helm chart and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
HELM_VERSION yes string "3.12.3" Helm version to use
HELM_DEPENDENCIES no string Helm dependencies
INDEX_DIR yes string "." Index directory
CHARTS_DIR yes string "." Charts directory
TARGET_DIR yes string "test" Target directory to release
APP_ID yes string Github App ID
SECRET_KEY yes string Github App Secret key
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Lint and test a helm chart and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
PYTHON_VERSION yes string "3.10" Python version to use
HELM_VERSION yes string "v3.12.3" Helm version to use
HELM_RELEASE yes string "test" Helm release name
HELM_NAMESPACE yes string "test" Helm namespace name
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Send a notification on a Mattermost webhook


name required type default description
MESSAGE yes string Message to send on Mattermost
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL yes string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Test a Plone package and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
CACHE_KEY no string key to use in actions/cache
PYTHON_VERSION yes string "3.10" Python version to use
TEST_COMMAND yes string "bin/test" Test command to run
REQUIREMENTS_FILE yes string "requirements.txt" Requirements file
BUILDOUT_CONFIG_FILE yes string "buildout.cfg" Buildout config file
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Build a theme, upload it to a plone site and optionally notify on Mattermost


name required type default description
THEME_PATH yes string Folder where theme files are located
PLONE_URL yes string URL of the Plone site
PLONE_USERNAME yes string Username to login to Plone
PLONE_PASSWORD yes string Password to login to Plone
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



call a rundeck job and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
RUNDECK_URL yes string URL of the Rundeck server
RUNDECK_TOKEN yes string Auth token to call Rundeck job
RUNDECK_JOB_ID yes string ID of the rundeck job to call
RUNDECK_PARAMETERS no string Parameters to pass to the Rundeck job
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage



Add tags to a docker image and optionally notify via a mattermost webhook


name required type default description
IMAGE_NAME yes string Name of the image to tag
IMAGE_TAG yes string "staging" Actual tag of the image
NEW_IMAGE_TAGS yes string Tags to add to the image (one per line)
REGISTRY_URL yes string URL of the registry
REGISTRY_USERNAME yes string Username to login to registry
REGISTRY_PASSWORD yes string Password to login to registry
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL no string Webhook URL to send notifications on Mattermost

Example of usage




A new release is issued when a tag beginning with v is pushed. The main release (for instance v3) will also be updated with the latest tag.

The release note is auto populated with the "[tag]" part of the .

See file for an example

You can push a tag this way :

git tag -a -m 'release v3.4' v3.4
git push --follow-tags