Maciej Daniszewski, Anne Senabouth, Duncan E. Crombie, Quan Nguyen, Samuel Lukowski, Tejal Kulkani, Donald J Zack, Alice Pébay, Joseph E. Powell and Alex W. Hewitt
Public repository for code associated with the processing of single cell retina ganglion cells, from the publication Single Cell RNA Sequencing of stem cell-derived retinal ganglion cells.
E-MTAB-6108 - Single cell RNA sequencing of stem cell-derived retinal ganglion cells
Please refer to the 10x Genomics for information about this program.
Please refer to the R website for information about this program.
- Download the raw data from ArrayExpress.
- Download the Cell Ranger 1.3.1 reference. You can also prepare your own by following the instructions here.
- Edit project.xml to suit your computing environment. Make sure your paths do not end in '/'.
- Run ProcessData.bash. If you are working on a cluster, you can call this from a cluster submission script. We have included one for PBSPro (SubmitPBS.pbs), which you can use as a template for other systems.
THIS STAGE CAN BE RUN ON A DESKTOP Run ProcessData.R, where the second argument points to the location of the files generated by Cell Ranger.
Rscript ProcessData.R RetinaGanglionCells
This will generate two clean expression matrices in the directory.
You can explore the clean data available on ArrayExpress by loading the expression matrices as follows:
# Load the expression matrices into R
sample1.matrix <- read.csv("iPSC_RGscRNASeq_Sample1.tsv", sep = "\t")
sample2.matrix <- read.csv("iPSC_RGscRNASeq_Sample2.tsv", sep = "\t")
# Connect the two matrices together using dplyr and set the rownames
expression.matrix <- full_join(sample1.matrix, sample2.matrix, by = "X")
rownames(expression.matrix) <- expression.matrix[ ,1]
expression.matrix <- expression.matrix[ ,2:ncol(expression.matrix)]
# Create an EMSet for use with ascend
em.set <- NewEMSet(ExpressionMatrix = expression.matrix)