This bot is used by more than 0 Discord users and more than 0 servers.
Renzo is a open source Discord bot coded in JavaScript with Discord.js and Mongoose by IR0NIIC3607. Feel free to add a star star to the repository to promote the project!
Features Complete Bot EggLord offers:
{features here}
Many commands Egglord has a lot of features, with:
:tada Fun: advice, fact, meme, reminder, pokemon and 5 more! gift Giveaway: g-start, g-reroll, g-edit and g-delete! speech_balloon Guild: avatar, giveaway, server-info, poll, and 4 more! crown Host: reload, shutdown, addban, eval! framed_picture Image: blurpify, changemymind, phcomment, stickbug, whowouldwin, threats, and 10 more! moneybag Level: leaderboard, rank grey_question Misc: about, invite, status, support, and 3 more! police_car Moderation: ban, clear, kick, ticket, warn, report, unmute and 9 more! musical_note Music: play, queue, shuffle, seek, lyrics and 12 more! underage NSFW: Total of 8 commands! Plugins: serverstats, set-(level | moderation | music | nsfw | search) and setlang! mag_right Searcher: fortnite, weather, twitch, steam and 4 more! question Trivia: startmusictrivia, stopmusictrivia See the full commands list (over 100)
Links Invite link Wiki Discord Github Dashboard Contributing Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested, and double-check the F.A.Q. And if you have a question, please ask it in the Discord server instead of opening an issue. If you wish to contribute to the Egglord's codebase or documentation, look at what we are requesting.
License Egglord is licensed under the Apache license. See the file LICENSE for more information. If you plan to use any part of this source code in your own bot, I would be grateful if you would include some form of credit somewher