Welcome to the CSU dataviz gallery, a webpage listing all graphics and datavisualization made by the [Cancer Surveillance Unit][https://www.iarc.who.int/branches-csu].
The repository is maintained by Mathieu Laversanne and Frédéric LAM. Github.io url is https://iarc-csu.github.io/DataVisualization.
Please ask CSU team in case you want to contribute or have any enquiry.
Each project below has it's own context, using plain html/javascript/css sometimes, VueJS other time, and of course d3js library most of the time. So the purpose of subfolders is to isolate each peace of interactive graphics.
This repository presents multiple advantes but also disavantages to be composed of many subfolders. Here is another repository where a more advanced VueJS(3) and d3JS(7) version cohabitate.