The IAEA Nuclear Reaction Data Explorer is an open-source project to visualize the scientific and public nuclear reaction data. We provide pre-processed evaluated nuclear data libraries and a continually-updated EXFOR dataset alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools to the community. Our aim is to help developments nuclear engineering by enhancing the understanding of nuclear physics, and improvements of the quality of nuclear data.
The EXFOR data were generously compiled by NRDC. We gratefully acknowledge the Authors, Originating and Submitting laboratories of the numerical data published in the publication and the Compilers who put metadata into EXFOR format.
This is a major second release of the Dash/Plotly based web application for the dissemination and visualizing of TALYS-Related Software and Databases. The application will be available at dataexplorer.
March 2021 first commit
June 2021 production version
Augst 2022 add new libraries (tendl.2021 and jendl5.0:)
March 2023 2nd major release
January 2024 Release for the production as dataexplorer version 2.0