My name is Krystal Dales and i'm a fledgling coder with a background in the equine and art industry! My current life circumstances has inspired a change in career direction as both of those industries don't provide me with long term career prospects and I have been interested in learning to code ever since the age of 12 and getting into gaming (Would love to be an indie game developer someday!), but my parents non-techical background and caring duties stopped me from learning when I was younger. However I recently got a kick up the bum and decided that the next best time to learn would be now; so here I am taking a official DoE Course and also learning using free resources as well.
Below I have included the some links to my other endeavours to fill this out a little until I have some proper projects to add and as this is also a task for my course to just have a fiddle with the styling as well!
🌱 I'm currently working on learning software engineering with CoGrammer and HTML & CSS with FreeCodeCamp !
😄 Pronouns: She/Her They/Them Pretty much call me anything; Just don't call me late for tea!
⚡ Fun Fact: I own a horse with my same name and spelled the same way! Isn't fate a funny thing!
🔭 I’m currently working on Building a tribute page for FreeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design Course.