HyperAgents is an ANR/SNF project working towards the deployment of world-wide hybrid communities of people and artificial agents on the Web. For this purpose, we are defining a new class of multi-agent systems (MAS) that are:
- aligned with the Web architecture to inherit the properties of the Web as a world-wide, open, and long-lived system ;
- transparent and accountable to support acceptance by people.
Our systems use semantic hypermedia to enable uniform interaction among heterogeneous entities in MAS: people, artificial agents, devices, digital serivces, knowledge repositories, etc. We refer to this new class of Web-based MAS as Hypermedia MAS.
To undertake this investigation, HyperAgents brings together internationally recognized researchers actively contributing to research on autonomous agents and MAS, the Web architecture and the Web of Things, Semantic Web and Linked Data, and to the standardization of the Web.
This git repository contains the methodology and results of the ontology modelling activity of the HyperAgent project. The root of the repository contains three introductory files respectively describing the code of conduct, the process for contributing and the method followed for designing this ontology.
The file current ontology describes :
- the different features of the project
- how to use in practice the ontology
If you want to contribute, please follow the contributing file.
List of the latest versions :
- V1 - (15/04/22) - Core ontology
Fabien Gandon email : fabien.gandon@inria.fr
affiliation : INRIA
Chistopher Leturc email : christopher.leturc@inria.fr
affiliation : INRIA
email : maxime.lefrancois@emse.fr
affiliation : EMSE
Andrei Ciortea email : andrei.ciortea@unisg.ch
affiliation : UNISG
Olivier Boissier email : "olivier.boissier@emse.fr"
affiliation : EMSE
Danai Vachtsevanou email : danai.vachtsevanou@unisg.ch
affiliation : UNISG
Luis Gustavo Nardin email : "gnardin@emse.fr"
affiliation : EMSE
We thank INRIA/UNISG/EMSE for supporting and hosting this project.
Section : Getting started ? Subsection: Prerequisites ? Subsection : Installing the project and dependencies ? Subsection : Running the project ?