#Attes — A Testing Tool Ersatz for SQL
This is a work in progress. A more comprehensive documentation is on the way.
##What it is
is a small prototype for a developer-oriented SQL test framework.
This small tool still has quite a few rough edges, however it is now mostly
was developed at BidMotion to fill
a very specific need, namely testing various SQL queries, potentially for
different relational database management systems, with an emphasis on
MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Be warned that its goals are very modest: Attes
is not meant to be
a professional SQL unit testing framework.
is distributed under the terms of the
3-Clause BSD license.
##What's in there?
Not much to be honest as Attes
is just a Perl 5
script together with a few small Perl modules.
###The attes.pl
This script launches SQL test suites from the current directory.
Type ./launch_suites.pl --help
for more information.
A test suite is simply a list of test. Each suite is given by a directory which should exhibit the following structure:
tests.txt # A text file listing the tests to perform
<test_a>/ # Several test directories, listed in the file tests.txt
Each test directory should contain the following files:
command.txt # A file describing the command to launch
query.txt # Optional: the SQL query to perform
expected.txt # The expected result
A proper documentation remains to be written. In the meantime, please
have a look at the suite example_suite
for a full-featured example.
##How to use it?
To run the test suites, use the command:
./attes.pl [options] <suite_1> <suite_2> ... <suite_n>
in the current directory. A full synopsis together with the list of options
can be obtained using the --help
##Need more information?
For the time being, the only thing resembling even remotely to a documentation are these slides
That's it for now. Feel free to drop me a line at jm@bidmotion.com if you have comments or questions.