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How do you link content to widgets #2648

Answered by mbcann01
mbcann01 asked this question in Q&A
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I figured it out!

Here's how I accomplished what I was trying to accomplish step-by-step, in case it's useful to anyone else.

Step 1. Create a landing page

I followed the guidance on Wowchemy's Create a landing page documentation for this step. As a reminder, landing pages don't necessarily contain much actual content. They contain widgets that link to the content.

  1. Create the content/students folder.
  2. Create inside content/students, and add a YAML header. This will be a widget page like the homepage.
  3. Create a nav bar link to the
    • Open config/_default/menus.yaml
    • Create a new entry
      • Set name: to Students (or whatever you want to appear in the nav bar)
      • Set url: to 'studetns/'

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