Once you have installed Python and its packages manager pip, depending on if you want only this tool, the full set of PNU tools, or PNU plus a selection of additional third-parties tools, use one of these commands:
pip install pnu-about
pip install PNU
pip install pytnix
about - Show system information
about [-a|--all] [-E|--env|--environment] [-H|--hw|--hardware] [-O|--os|--operating] [-P|--py|--python] [-S|--sys|--system] [-U|--user] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help|-?] [-v|--version] [--]
The about utility shows most of the system information available through the Python Standard Library.
Options | Use |
-a|--all | Same as -SUHOEP |
-E|--env|--environment | Show information about the environment |
-H|--hw|--hardware | Show information about the hardware |
-O|--os|--operating | Show information about the Operating System |
-P|--py|--python | Show information about Python |
-S|--sys|--system | Show information about the system |
-U|--user | Show information about the user |
-d|--debug | Enable debug level messages |
-h|--help|-? | Print usage and a short help message and exit |
-v|--version | Print version and exit |
-- | Options processing terminator |
The about utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
The about command is not a standard UNIX/POSIX command.
It tries to follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python code.
Tested OK under Windows.
The about command was created as an example for the PNU project, testing many of the standard Python functions for getting system information.
This utility is available under the 3-clause BSD license.