A simple utility to convert a Minecraft .mca region file (in anvil format) to a directory with the same basename containing an uncompressed NBT file for each of its chunks.
From this point, these NBT files can be processed with other external utilities, such as nbt2yaml (with the -n option).
I didn't need to build back an MCA file from these NBT files but this would be easy to do from here (especially as i saved the MCA header for this purpose)...
You might want to check my Minecraft Region Scanner utility which is way more powerful!
Typing "make install fullclean" should do it on a FreeBSD system.
Unlucky users of other operating systems might have to manually download a copy of zpipe from the following address: http://www.zlib.net/zpipe.c
$ cd world/region
$ mca2nbt *.mca
1.00 2014-05-05 Initial release
This open source software is distributed under a BSD license (see the "License" file for details).
This utility was made with information from the Minecraft wiki web site. Cf. http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Region_file_format
(although the following information was misleading and according to my tests just wrong: "If you prefer to read Zlib-compressed chunk data with Deflate (RFC1951), just skip the first two bytes and leave off the last 4 bytes before decompressing.")
It includes code from the zpipe utility from Mark Adler Cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Adler Cf. http://www.zlib.net/
Hubert Tournier
5th May 2014