The core mod of the C.R.I.T Expansion Mod, it currently adds an armor set, mildly OP gas mask and transforming vest, some gun mods, a new melee/tool and a new material. The items also use a lot of higher end materials such as superalloy, rubber (the "new" material), the lesser used tempered steel and also neoprene.
This mod also adds a few new classes to CDDA. To name a few: the C.R.I.T Medic, C.R.I.T Commanding Officer, C.R.I.T Automatic Rifleman, C.R.I.T Grunt, C.R.I.T NCO, C.R.I.T ROTC member, and also some more.
I tried to keep the professions revolving around slightly upgraded army gear and as "balanced" as possible except for the C.R.I.T Spec Ops which is for trying out the new items and being stupid powerful and the Juggernaught for being a Juggernaught.
I can't fix some things like the toolmods attaching to the vest and gasmask, but that doesn't hurt the game (my mod already breaks it) and it's more of a cheap way to progress instead of getting a UPS, even though it still drinks a ton of power.
More techniques, more play styles. Tries to open up melee and offer more than "does it have a reach attack?" or "does it have rapid strikes?" to make melee interesting. Currently, this only applies to weapons and tools from my mod as this would break vanilla. Feel free to add whatever you like on your own weapons!
- SS-Rank is for stupid high scaling (legendary scaling)
- S-Rank is anything 2.0 down to 1.0 (dramatically scales)
- A-Rank is from 0.99 down to .75 (noticeably scales)
- B-Rank is .74 down to .5 (averagely scales)
- C-Rank is .49 down to .25 (somewhat scales)
- D-Rank is .24 to .20 (barely scales)
- E-Rank is .19 and below (offers scaling as an afterthought)
I tried to keep the damage balanced and also added scaling damage and movecosts to make it so certain attacks or weapons carry different risks.
The logic behind the C.R.I.T Expansion Mod is that in this version of the Cataclysm is that there was a much longer build up of the dead rising and random portals appearing before the final Cataclysmic Portal Storm erupted. Governments used this time to create special response forces similar to the Fringe universe. Despite the extra time that the world had to prepare, the Cataclysm still mostly went off as basic DDA. Eventually there will be more special locations showing off some of these preparations and the failures they experienced.
Anyways, have fun and report any bugs you find.