Welcome2ProjectKit is an easy way to create a Xcode-like welcome window for cocoa developers.
- Customization and Configuration as your needs (for localization).
- Easy to handle all the user's choice.
To run the example project, clone the repo and complete the "Welcome2ProjectKitDemo".
- Basic configuration
w2p = Welcome2Project.init { () -> W2PConfigure in
let icon = NSImage.init(named: "Xcode")
let title = "Welcome to Xcode"
let subtitle = "Version 10.2 (10E125)"
// swiftlint:disable line_length
let userChoiceObj1 = W2PUserChoiceObject.init(img: NSImage.init(named: "NewCheckoutTemplate")!,
title: "Clone an existing project",
subtitle: "Start working on something on Gir repository.") { (choiceObj) in
if let obj = choiceObj as? W2PUserChoiceObject {
print("title:" + obj.title() + "\nSubtitle:" + obj.subtitle())
// swiftlint:disable line_length
let userChoiceObj2 = W2PUserChoiceObject.init(img: NSImage.init(named: "NewProjectTemplate")!,
title: "Create a new Xcode project",
subtitle: "Create an app for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, or Apple TV.") { (choiceObj) in
if let obj = choiceObj as? W2PUserChoiceObject {
print("title:" + obj.title() + "\nSubtitle:" + obj.subtitle())
// swiftlint:disable line_length
let userChoiceObj3 = W2PUserChoiceObject.init(img: NSImage.init(named: "NewPlaygroundTemplate")!,
title: "Get started with a playground",
subtitle: "Explore new ideas quickly and easily.") { (choiceObj) in
if let obj = choiceObj as? W2PUserChoiceObject {
print("title:" + obj.title() + "\nSubtitle:" + obj.subtitle())
let userChoiceObjs = [userChoiceObj1, userChoiceObj2, userChoiceObj3]
let displayWhenLaunch = " Show this window when Xcode launches"
let fileObj1 = W2PFileObject.init(imageName: "project",
fileName: "XUIKit",
filePath: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: "/Work space/XUIKit"))
let fileObj2 = W2PFileObject.init(imageName: "project",
fileName: "Kaka",
filePath: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: "/Work space/Kaka"))
let fileObj3 = W2PFileObject.init(imageName: "project",
fileName: "MacUpdateKit",
filePath: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: "/Work space/MacUpdateKit"))
let projectFileObjs = [fileObj1, fileObj2, fileObj3]
let projectFileObjChosenClosure = { (projectFileObj: W2PUserChoiceProtocol?) -> Void in
if let obj = projectFileObj {
print("title:" + obj.title() + "\nSubtitle:" + obj.subtitle())
} else {
print("Open another project")
let displayWhenLaunchStatusChangedClosure = { (state: NSControl.StateValue) -> Void in
let openAnotherProject = "Open another project..."
let conf = W2PConfigure.init(icon: icon!,
title: title,
subtitle: subtitle,
userChoiceObjs: userChoiceObjs,
displayWhenLaunch: displayWhenLaunch,
projectFileObjs: projectFileObjs,
projectFileObjChosenClosure: projectFileObjChosenClosure,
displayWhenLaunchStatusChangedClosure: displayWhenLaunchStatusChangedClosure,
openAnotherProject: openAnotherProject)
return conf
- Show & Hide welcome window
// Show
// Hide
- Runtime: OS X 10.10+
- Xcode: 10.0+
- Clone the rep, build the Welcome2ProjectKit or copy all the source files into your project.
- Configure as you want, show the welcome window and handle all the things.