This is an Unoffical fork of ProtocolSupport 1.8.8 with Mappings fixes and old April Fools versions support
This fork of ProtocolSupport 1.8.8 supports all 1.7.10-1.4.6 and 15w14a, 2.0 April Fools versions, with some mappings fixes to fix 1.4.6-1.6.4 crashes. Please use TacoSpigot & Forks instead of paper to avoid problem with 1.7.X clients.
Known issues:
- [15w14a] Carrot on a stick crashes client
- [1.7/1.7.1] Random kick
- [1.6.4 and earlier] Stats are not sent - won't be fixed
- [1.5.2 and earlier] Can't control vehicle - won't be fixed, probably impossible to do this properly
- [1.4.7 and earlier] Online mode likely unable to connect
- [1.4.5 and earlier] Aren't supported yet
If you want improve more, Please contact on Github
Licensed under the terms of GNU AGPLv3