Hardware design to run FreeEMS on my Citroen ZX TU5JP/K engine. The goal is to completely replace the stock Bosch MP5.2 ECU.
This is a project by Yu Zhou to implement a hardware design for FreeEMS. It is licensed under GPL V2 or later, please see the LICENSE.txt file for more information.
In China the term "Migrant Worker" especially refers to people who leave their hometown and migrate to a more developed city such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Shenzhen to earn money. As a software engineer, I have to live in Beijing to work in my career and pursue my dream. Migrant workers usually lead a tough life in a poor area and rent a cheap, small, nasty 'cell' to sleep in, no windows in the room... I define myself as a advanced migrant worker. The only thing that distinguishs me from them is that I have my private car and can speak a little English. Hence I named my first FreeEMS hardware in this way.
Core IO specs:
- 1 RPM/Position VR for 60-2 wheel pattern
- 6 Standard 'CORE' analog inputs(IAT,CHIT,TPS,EXO,BRV,MAP)
- 2 ignition drives for 4 cylinders wasted spark(PT2,PT3)
- 2 injector drives(HI-Z ONLY). Can setup to either do semi sequential fuel injection or do batch injection(PT4,PT5)
- 1 Fuel Pump relay drive.
- 1 dash board tacheometer drive.
- 1 pair of idle air valve drive.
- 1 gas tank ventilation valve drive.
- 1 switched +5V output for TPS.
- 5 Ground connections(CPU,Ignition,Analog Sensors, O2 Sensor and Lowside drives)
- 1 "12V" connections to power 2 voltage regulators
Special effort was put on making PCB geometry nearly identical as OEM ECU and reuse OEM metal case, connector and aluminium frame for heat sink. It is a mixture of SMD and through hole so that it can be assembled at home and it is almost plug and play for my Citroen ZX