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Ngx Autocomplete

An easy to use and flexible Autocomplete angular component.


Install npm module.

npm i ngx-autocomplete


This package relies on the following peer dependencies:

  • @angular/cdk: ^12.0.0

Please make sure to install them in your project before using this package.

Now import the module in your angular module, e.g. app.module.ts:

import { AutocompleteModule } from 'ngx-autocomplete';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

In your template file, add the ngx-autocomplete tag to use component, e.g.:

<ngx-autocomplete [searchMethod]="searchMethod" viewKey="email"></ngx-autocomplete>


You can pass the following attributes values of supported types for further customizations:

Attribute Supported Type Default Description
minimumCharacterForSearch number 0 Minumum character needs to start searching.
debounceTime number 500 Miliseconds after user finished typing search term for triggering search method
suggestionItemClass string - Custom CSS class applies tp every search result item.
suggestionContainerHeight number 150 Search result dropdown height in pixell.
searchMethod OperatorFunction | null | undefined - A function wich recoeves search term as an obcervable of string and returns array of search item as result.
suggestionKey string - Object field for rendering for every search result item in search result drop down. If suggestionMethod was provided, suggestionMethod result uses for rendering item.
suggestionMethod (item?: T) => string - Object field for rendering for every search result item in search result drop down. If suggestionMethod was provided, suggestionMethod result uses for rendering item.
idKey string id Item field name uses in track by function for rendering search result items.
viewKey string - Object field for showing selected item in search input.
viewMethod (selection?: T) => string - The function that converts an item from the result list to a string to display in the input. It is called when the user selects something in the popup or the model value changes, so the input needs to be updated
placeholder string - Search input placeholder attribute value.
noSuggestionText string "no item found." Text shows when search result is empty.
clearButton boolean true boolean value to show button for removing selected suggestion.
forceSuggestion boolean true If set to false the input value use as selected item.
suggestionSelect EventEmitter - The event that fiers after user has selected an item. The event handler recieves selected item as event argument.

Using custome templates

There are four directive for customising autocomplete appearance as follow.

<ngx-autocomplete [searchMethod]="searchMethod" viewKey="email">
  <!-- template shows in search result pop-up header -->
  <ng-template ngxSuggestionHeader>

  <!-- template shows for every item in search result pop-up  -->
  <ng-template let-item ngxSuggestionContent>
      <span>Email Address {{item.emal}}</span>

  <!-- template shows empty search result pop-up  -->
    <ng-template ngxNoSuggestion>
      <span>search result is empty !!!</span>

  <!-- template shows for search result pop-up footer  -->
  <ng-template ngxSuggestionFooter>
      <span>Here is the footer</span>



@salmanian_hossein/ngx-autocomplete is free and licensed under the MIT License.