Ansible role to provision a Linux virtual machine on a KVM host
This role requires:
- a functional KVM host with configured network and storage
- a prior download of RHEL cloud images in order to provision RHEL virtual machines
- Terraform and terraform libvirt provider setup Role Variables
- vm_hostname: virtual machine template name
- vm_cpu: number of CPU of the virtual machine
- vm_memory: memory in MB of the virtual machine
- vm_network: KVM network to chose
- vm_ip: VM IP address
- vm_prefix: VM IP prefix
- vm_gw: VM primary network card gateway
- vm_dns: VM DNS IP address
- rhel_7_path: RHEL 7 cloud image path in the KVM HOST
- rhel_8_path: RHEL 8 cloud image path in the KVM HOST
- centos_7_path: CentOS 7 cloud image url to download from
- centos_8_path: CentOS 8 cloud image url to download from
- ubuntu_18_path: Ubuntu 18 cloud image url to download from
- ubuntu_20_path: Ubuntu 20 cloud image url to download from
- vm_root_password: VM root password
- vm_user: Default User to create
- vm_authorized_ssh: Public ssh key to copy to the VM
- hosts: KVMHost
- role:
name: hosninabil.kvmLinuxvm
dist: "centos"
version: "8"
vm_cpu: 1
vm_memory: 2048
vm_network: default
vm_user: nabil
vm_prefix: 24
Apache License 2.0
Nabil Hosni, cloud engineer and opensource enthusiast.