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CSC207 Conference Project

This project is the final project of University Of Toronto CSC207 Fall 2020.

The program is developed with the intent of helping to solve a series of problems and situations people may encounter during event management.

In the project many tools has used to have an overview of schedule for various events, and to allow people including Organizers, Speakers, and Attendees at a conference to communicate with each other.

Instructor Feedback

This Project consist of two phases.

Phase 1

  • Functionalities work

  • Great understanding of abstraction and encapsulation, but keep in mind that simplicity is also important! There could be a way to implement some functionalities in a simpler way without having to implement many more classes.

  • Controllers are also printing to the UI, and since you have presenters you should exclusively leave the interaction with the UI to the presenter classes.

  • You have a package named UI with files that prints to the actual UI, and also a presenter package. The Presenter is the part of the code responsible for sending visual information to the User Interface (UI). If you have a Graphic User Interface (GUI), the presenter might send information such as which colour scheme or theme the user prefers. However, for Phase 1, the only information we display to the user is text. For Phase 1, then, it makes sense to have the presenter print the Strings directly to the screen. So possibly reconsider the roles of your files.

Phase1 Mark : 9 / 10

Phase 2

  1. Your project makes good use of:
    • Design patterns such as factory, façade and builder
    • inheritance and interfaces
    • packages
  2. Someone using your program will see:
    • Easy-to-use graphic UI
    • Speaker Statistics
    • Reward and Requirement point system
    • Search filters for events
    • VIP user options
    • Friend recommendation system
  3. Good next Steps include:
    • It was a good idea to break up the Event class, since it was getting quite large. However, I don't see the need to distinguish between an event with 0, 1, or more speakers. In general, the people who write specifications tend to know how they want their program to be used, but not necessarily how to program. It is up to you to decide which nouns should be their own classes or not. Can you think of a design that would simplify the methods required by Event without using inheritance in this particular way?
    • Provide javadoc for every class/method/variable that is not private.

Overall, you were able to solve a number of problems in your design. How you solved them was sometimes a bit more complicated than it needed to be. Can you think of ways that you could make your program more streamlined and less complicated with the same functionality?

Final Mark : 17.2 / 20

Important Detail

The UML Class Diagram is located in design folder.

The list of feature we implemented are located below in the Feature List section.

The list of design pattern employed are located below in the Design Patterns section.

After the program finishes, the session is serialized and stored at session/Session.ser.

Notice that there is a demo session at session/Session_demo.ser, that is used during the demonstration video. If you want to have a look yourself, on line 17 of ConferenceSystem change SESSION_PATH to "./session/Session_demo.ser".

Every time the program starts, it tries to restore the session by deserializes the Session.ser. For any reason, if the program failed to find such file, it will automatically load a sample session, which contains the following account to save you time when trying out features:

Type Username Password
Organizer org1 1
Organizer org2 2
Speaker spk1 1
Speaker spk2 2
Speaker spk3 3
Attendee att1 1
Attendee att2 2
Attendee att3 3
Attendee att4 4

Install Instructions

We have 4 external dependencies:

  • itextpdf-5.5.6 : PDF Rendering (pre downloaded in lib folder)
  • xmlworker-5.5.6 : PDF Generating (pre downloaded in lib folder)
  • Javafx-11.0.2 : The GUI framework (follow this link to download, then unzip)
  • Controlfx-11.0.3 : An extension to Javafx (pre downloaded in lib folder)

Notice that you need Java 11 or later!

First locate the lib folder, then open Project Structure in Intellij IDEA, in the Project tab choose Java 11 or later as Project SDK.

Then click on Libraries tab, then click the + on the top-left comer of the interface, then choose Java from the drop down, then select the lib folder, then OK.

Now click on the + again, then select the openjfx-xxx/lib folder you downloaded previously (add the openjfx-xxx/lib folder not the openjfx-xxx folder).

Then we need to modify the run configuration before we can properly run the program. In Intellij, the easiest way is to first run the program once, notice this run WILL output error messages, but you can ignore it, the purpose of this is to let Intellij to auto configure some things for us.

Go to src/controller/session/ on line 12, you can see the main method and a green run button on the left, click on it then select Run 'ConferenceSystem.main()' (or you can right click on anywhere in the then select the option from the drop down). Now the console may output a bunch of errors THIS IS OK!

Now on the top bar you should see something like this:

run config

Click on the drop down, then select Edit Configuration then in VM Options copy and paste the following lines:

>>>>>>>>>>>>Replace this with Javafx sdk lib folder path on your computer<<<<<<<<<<<<

Notice you need to replace the second line with the openjfx-xxx/lib path on your computer!

Now try to run the project again, you should be greeted with the login screen!

Entities and Noun

  • Event

    Talk, NonSpeakerEvent, MultiSpeakerEvent

    These are different kinds of event that happens at the conference. Where Event is the parent class of the other three. An Event can only be added to Schedule of the conference.

  • Task

    Appointment, SpeakerDuty

    These are different kinds of tasks. Where Task is the parent class of the other two. A Task can only be added to Schedule of a person. A task is essentially an wrapper for an Event, meaning every task correspond to one event (but an event could have many tasks), they share the same location, startTime, endTime. The reason why we have Task is to adapt the Event so that they can be added to the schedule of a person.

    An example use: every time an organizer assigns a speaker to some event, an SpeakerDuty is added to the speaker’s Schedule. This way the Schedule of that speaker can ensure the speaker is available at the desired location and time, and no further Task of other events can be added to that occupied location and time, i.e. no double booking of speaker.

  • Person

    Organizer, Speaker, Attendee, VIPAttendee

    These are different kinds of person or people of the conference. Where Organizer can organize, and Speaker can speak, and Attendee can attend. The VIPAttendee is a special kind of attendee, where they have a more than certain amount of points. You can earn points by signup to some events.

  • IEvent

    This is the parent class of Task and Event. An Schedule<E extends IEvents> object stores a list of IEvents, here we utilize generic in java to avoid casting.

  • OccupancyLevel

    This is an enum, represents how much does an IEvent occupies the location and time it specifies on an Schedule.


      The IEvent with this type of occupancy does not occupy the time and location it defines. Meaning other IEvent can still be added to this time and location. For example, an Appointments haves no occupancy.


      The IEvent with this type of occupancy only occupy the time and location it defines. Meaning other IEvent can’t occupy this time period at this location specifically, but they can still occupy other time period at this location or other location at this time period. For example, Talk, NonSpeakerEvent, MultiSpeakerEvent has specific occupancy, because there can be other IEvent added, but needs to be on another location or time.


      The IEvent with this type of occupancy occupies all location at this time period simultaneously. Meaning no other IEvent can occupy any location at this time period. For example an SpeakerDuty has absolute occupancy, because it needs to ensure the speaker is available at the time and location of the event, so does not allow them to have other things at the same time period.

  • Relationship

    A relationship is basically a mutable integer, it contains a non-negative integer layer representing how “deep” this relation is, if layer == 0 represents no relation, if layer >= 1 represents has relation.

  • Message


    A Message represents a communication from someone. It contains it’s content, and a sender, and time. This object is immutable, thus it’s safe to reference from multiple sources. All messages are contained in an ChatRecord.

Feature List

Features Inherited from phase 1

Schedule System

Allows the Organizer to schedule different types of events without worrying about double-booking a location, or double-booking a speaker.

Our program uses an Schedule<E extends IEvent>, which ensures no conflicting IEvent can be added to a Schedule, based on it’s time, location and the OccupancyLevel.

Here IEvent is a parent class of all different events, and all tasks

There are two usage of Schedule, each enforces a feature.

  • An Schedule<Event> for the conference where only contains Event objects. This is used to ensure no double booking of location and time.
  • An Schedule<Task> for each person. This is used to ensure no double booking of speaker.

Login System

Allows different types of user to login, and interact with the respective menu interface.

Sign-Up System

Allow Attendees to sign up to events, and see the schedule of all events.

Messaging System

Allows various types of messaging:

  • from Speaker/Organizer to all signed up attendees
  • from Organizers to all Speakers/all Attendees
  • from Anyone to Anyone else as long as they have some relation (being friends or one is “working” with another)

Saving and Persistence of Information

The program automatically saves all information to a .ser file, this feature utilizes the Serializable interface builtin to java.

Feature Removed from phase 1

Text UI

In phase 2, the Text UI is replaced by a GUI implemented using Javafx.

New Features in phase 2

Events Improvement (Mandatory extensions 1, 5)

Now we have Talk (from phase 1), and the newly introduced NonSpeakerEvent, MultiSpeakerEvent. In addition, they can be an Vip events if they have some requirements to enrol.

There are also some new parameters to an Event, here is the complete parameter list:

Parameter Meaning
title The title of the event, two event with the same title is considered recurring events.
speaker The speaker of the event, this field could be different depending on the type of event you create. Talk has exactly one speaker, NoSpeakerEvent has no speaker, and MutiSpeakerEvent has multiple speakers.
organizer The organizer who created this event.
capacity (NEW) This is an number that defines the upper bound of how many people can enrols in this event. This is used to enforce mandatory extension 5.
location Where this event happens.
startTime When this event starts.
endTime When this event ends.
reward (NEW) The reward of this event, people who signed up for this event can earn points defined by this amount. After the attendee has reached a certain amount, they are promoted to an VIPAttendee. If the attendee cancelled the appointment, they lose this amount, and also might demote them to an regular Attendee.
requirement (NEW) The required amount of points an person has to meet in order to attend this event. If this number is greater than 0, then this event is considered as VIP event.

Cancel Event (Mandatory extensions 2)

Now event can be cancelled by the organizer who created it, but only before the events has started.

More Types of Person (Mandatory extensions 3)

Now every person has a points, where they can earn by attending events. If their points accumulates high enough, they will be promoted to an VIPAttendee. If their points ever drops below the threshold (by cancelling the appointments to some events) they will be demoted to a regular attendee.

Organizer Create Accounts (Mandatory Extension 4)

Previously, organizer can create speaker accounts. Now organizer can create Speaker, Organizer, Attendee accounts! Notice that they can’t create an VIPAttendee.

Schedule Output and Filtering (Optional Extension 3)

Now everyone has an option to save the schedule of all events as PDF. On the Event tab located on the GUI, you can also have options of searching a specific keywords and selecting which they want to search, here is a screenshot:

search demo

On the left drop down, you can select a numbers of options, and the keyword you entered on the right text field would be specific to that search property only.

  • All: search everything, any event that satisfied one of the following would be presented.
  • Type: search for a type, i.e. “Talk”, “NonSpeakerEvent”, “MultiSpeakerEvent”.
  • Title: search for a title.
  • Speaker: search for a Speaker’s name.
  • Organizer: search for an Organizer’s name.
  • Location: search for a location.
  • Time: search for a time range, for example: “12:00~13:00” which match all events between 12:00 to 13:00. This feature is implemented using regex.

Scoring (Rating) and Statistic (Optional Extension 7)

Scoring system is a supplementary system for providing useful statistic for an Organizer.

Scoring System: when an event has finished (when the end time has passed), all attendees would have an option to give a rating for that event. The rating is from 0 to 5.

After we received some ratings, we can calculate the event’s overall rating as the average rating given by the attendees of that event.

The Speaker’s Rating is given as the average rating of all event’s rating that he is a speaker of.

The statistic we present to the organizers is the top 5 performing speakers, that is the 5 speakers with the highest score.

This info is useful to the organizers, it tells the organizers which speaker is popular, and may helps out the organizers to decide which speaker to assign to the event.

This info is displayed by a bar chat on the Dashboard of all Organizers.

GUI (Optional Extension 8)

The GUI Framework we choose is JavaFx, using the MVC Structure.

The Views are written in FXML files, and each linked to a specific Controller written in plain java. Here is the relationship of between the stages:

phase2 ui

Recommending System (Create Your Own Extensions)

The recommending system uses Collaborative Filtering algorithms to predict the user's preference based on other users with similar preferences. Then recommend the recurring events of the events that the user is predicted to like. Such similarity between users is captured by calculating the Centered Cosine Similarity on their preference vectors. The user’s preferences is the user's rating of the events and is collected by the Scoring System.

There are two main component of the Recommending system:

  • Recommend friends to Attendees.

    We recommend a list of people that has a similar preference with the attendee who is logged in.

  • Recommend events to Attendees.

    Suppose we are recommending events to an attendee “A”. We first make predictions using collaborative filtering on the preference of “A” to all Events that “A” doesn't have a chance to attend. We recommend the recurring events of the events that “A” is predicted to like.

Both of these recommendations are presented on the Attendee’s Dashboard.

Design Patterns

Visitor Design Pattern

Visitor provides the ability extend a feature without modifying the original class. It also avoids the usages of instanceof and casting.

  • entity.comm.MessageVisitor


      Check if a Message is valid.


      Convert Message to Message Data Transfer Object (MessageDTO), to be supplied to the presenter.

    • usecase.commu.facade.MessagingConvert

      Convert List<ChatManager> to Chat Data Transfer Object (ChatDTO), to be supplied to the presenter.

  • entity.event.EventVisitor


      Convert the schedule of events to an HTML formatted string to be outputted as an PDF file (with gateway.PDFGenerate).

    • usecase.event.facade.EventChange.SpeakerChange (private nested class)

      Apply the change of speaker in an event. The reason for having a visitor is that we have different types of events, some have one speaker, some have no speaker, some have multiple speaker.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventChange.EventUpdater (private nested class)

      Update the change in event reflected on Speaker’s Task, Speaker’s announcement access, relationship, etc.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventConvert

      Convert the Event to Event Data Transfer Object, to be supplied to the presenter.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventCreate.AnnouncementEnroll (private nested class)

      Update the Announcement Access for the speaker.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventCreate.AttendeeRelationUpdate (private nested class)

      Update the Attendee’s Relation to speaker and organizer when removing.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventCreate.EventBuilderFactory (private nested class)

      Construct an event builder based on the event.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventCreate.SpeakerTaskUpdate (private nested class)

      Update the speaker’s task when creating.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventExtract.ExtractSpeaker (private nested class)

      Extract the speaker of some event, as a list.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventSignup.SpeakerWorkRelationUpdate (private nested class)

      Update the work relation of the speaker.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventTypeDistributor.EventTypeExecutor (private nested class)

      Execute the EventTypeVisitor which is a visitor wrapper for the event visitor.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventView.SpeakerMatch (private nested class)

      Match the speaker of the event by a predicate.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventView.TypeMatch (private nested class)

      Match the type of the event.

    • usecase.recommand.facade.EventRecommendConvert

      Convert the Event and it’s prediction to EventRecommandDTO, to be supplied to the presenter.

    • usecase.score.facade.SpeakerScoreCalculate

      Calculate the speaker’s score of that event.

  • entity.people.PersonVisitor

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleConvert

      Convert the Person to Person Data Transfer Object, to be supplied to the presenter.

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleCreate

      Create a person, and setup them based on their type.

    • usecase.recommand.facade.PeopleRecommendConvert

      Convert Person and it’s similarity to PersonRecommandDTO, to be supplied to the presenter.

  • entity.task.TaskVisitor

    • usecase.task.facade.TaskConvert

      Convert Task to Task Data Transfer Object (TaskDTO), to be supplied to the presenter.

  • usecase.event.EventTypeVisitor

    This is basically a wrapper for EventVisitor. Since the controller shouldn’t access the entity directly, if they want to do operation specific to a type of event, also want to avoid instanceof as much as possible.

    • controller.dialogs.eventEdit.EventInitVisitor (private nested class)

      Load the edit interface based on the type of the event selected.

Facade Design Pattern

Facade are used inside the use cases, where one manager does too many things (i.e. has more than one factor to change), thus we use Facade design pattern. Where each sub component is only responsible for a single task.

  • Facade : usecase.commu.MessagingManage

    • usecase.commu.GroupMessaging

      Sending message to multiple people at once.

    • usecase.commu.MessagingConvert

      Convert Message to MessageDTO.

    • usecase.commu.MessagingCreate

      Handle creating ChatManager.

    • usecase.commu.MessagingView

      Update the view of a list of ChatManager.

  • Facade :


      Convert ChatRecord to List<MessageDTO>.


      Check the validity of the message.

  • Facade :


      Convert list of Event to HTML formatted style to output.

  • Facade : usecase.event.EventManage

    • usecase.event.facade.EventChange

      Handle changes made to Event.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventConvert

      Convert Event to EventDTO.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventCreate

      Handle create / remove events.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventExtract

      Extract some info of an event.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventSignup

      Handle sign up / cancel sign up to an event.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventTypeDistributor

      Distribute the EventTypeVisitor.

    • usecase.event.facade.EventView

      Update the view of a list of events, include applying the EventSearchProperty and keyword as a filter.

    • usecase.event.facade.RecurringEventCheck

      Get the recurring event of a given event.

  • Facade : usecase.event.PeopleManage

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleConvert

      Convert Person to PersonDTO.

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleCreate

      Handle create person.

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleFilter

      Handle filter a list of people by some constrains.

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleLogin

      Handle login.

    • usecase.people.facade.PeopleView

      Update the view of a list of people.

    • usecase.people.facade.VIPPromote

      Handle promotion / demotion of person.

  • Facade : usecase.recommand.RecommendManage

    • usecase.recommand.facade.CollaborativeFiltering

      Make the prediction on recommending event.

    • usecase.recommand.facade.EventRecommendConvert

      Convert to EventRecommendDTO.

    • usecase.recommand.facade.PeopleRecommendConvert

      Convert to PeopleRecommendDTO.

    • usecase.recommand.facade.SimilarityCalculate

      Calculate the similarity of two user based on their preference.

  • Facade : usecase.score.ScoreManage

    • usecase.score.facade.SpeakerScoreCalculate

      Calculate the speaker’s score.

  • Facade : usecase.statistic.IStatistic

    • usecase.statistic.facade.SpeakerScoreConvert

      Convert to SpeakerScoreDTO.

  • Facade : usecase.task

    • usecase.task.facade.TaskConvert

      Convert Task to TaskDTO.

    • usecase.task.facade.TaskCreate

      Handle create tasks.

    • usecase.task.facade.TaskView

      Update the view of a list of task.

Factory Design Pattern

Factory are used to hide the creation process of a complicated object. Here factory are used to create multiple entities.

  • entity.comm.factory.MessageFactory

    Create a Message given an Object, and set the current time as time.

  • entity.person.factory.PersonFactory

    Create a Person given the name. Provide a method to transform a VIPAttendee to Attendee and Attendee to VIPAttendee, this two method are used when promoting or demoting a person.

  • entity.task.factory.TaskFactory

    Create a Task given an Event, it set the necessary information from an Event to newly created Task.

Builder Design Pattern

Builder are used to create a complex objects, in step by step fashion.

  • usecase.dto.builder.EventBuilder

    TalkBuilder, MultiSpeakerEventBuilder, NonSpeakerEventBuilder

    Because Event is an object that has a lot of parameters, we use a builder to handle its creation process.

    Here EventBuilder is an abstract class, contains an build() method and contains the common parts.

Observer Design Pattern

Observer are used to listen changes from an Observable, to maintain consistency.

  • usecase.friends.manager.RelationshipObservable

    FriendsManage implements this interface, it gives the options to add to observe friendship change and add to observe work relation change.

    • usecase.friends.manager.RelationshipObserver is an RelationshipObserver, it receives changes to relations, and update the access accordingly.

Strategy Design Pattern

Strategy are used to hide the implementation detail of a feature. That are we want the class to be independent of a particular implementation.

  • usecase.commu.stragergy.AnnouncementNameStrategy, usecase.commu.stragergy.DirectChatNameStrategy

    Here the algorithm that generates the name of an Announcement or DirectChat is hidden, this way if we want to change the chat name generation algorithm, we can easily swap out the strategy.

Development Team (group_0238)

Name UTROid Git Name(s)
Hongcheng Wei ******** Hongcheng_Wei, homelet
YuHao Yang ******** martinyang0416
yi chen liu ******** KKKK123454321
Yue Lan ******** Yue, kat
Yu Sun ******** Sunny
Zhexuan Li ******** royli142857
Qiyue Zhang ******** Qiyue Zhang, ma521yyy
Peiwen Luo ******** flora-luo

Huge thanks to the TAs and Instructors of CSC207 Fall 2020!

Thanks for reading. Best Appreciate from all team members in Group_0238.


The project of CSC207 Fall 2020.







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