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How to try ioc2rpz or sample and free RPZ feeds hosted by ioc2rpz (obsoleted)

Vadim edited this page May 3, 2020 · 1 revision

The instruction was obsoleted

Please use ioc2rpz community website if you want to try RPZ feeds and ioc2rpz technology.


The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of these RPZ feeds. The feeds are provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timelines to demonstrate ioc2rpz technology only. The RPZ feeds service distirbution may be interrupted or stopped w/o any advance notice. The author is not lialable for any direct or inderect damages caused by using this service.

RPZ Feeds

You may test ioc2rpz technology if you register on the ioc2rpz community with the following feeds:

Sample bind configuration

options {
  #This is just options for RPZs. Add other options as required
  recursion yes;
  response-policy {
    ####FQDN only zones 
    ####Mixed zones 
    zone "dns-bh.ioc2rpz" policy nxdomain;
    zone "notracking.ioc2rpz" policy nxdomain;
    zone "phishtank.ioc2rpz" policy nxdomain;
    ####IP only zones 
  } qname-wait-recurse no break-dnssec yes;
key "ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME"{
  algorithm hmac-sha256; secret "ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY";

zone "dns-bh.ioc2rpz" {
  type slave;
  file "/var/cache/bind/dns-bh.ioc2rpz";
  masters {  key "ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME";};

zone "notracking.ioc2rpz" {
  type slave;
  file "/var/cache/bind/notracking.ioc2rpz";
  masters {  key "ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME";};
zone "phishtank.ioc2rpz" {
  type slave;
  file "/var/cache/bind/notracking.ioc2rpz";
  masters {  key "ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME";};

Sample PowerDNS configuration

rpzMaster("", "dns-bh.ioc2rpz", {defpol=Policy.NXDOMAIN, tsigname="ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME", tsigalgo="hmac-sha256", tsigsecret="ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY"})
rpzMaster("", "notracking.ioc2rpz", {defpol=Policy.NXDOMAIN, tsigname="ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME", tsigalgo="hmac-sha256", tsigsecret="ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY"})
rpzMaster("", "phishtank.ioc2rpz", {defpol=Policy.NXDOMAIN, tsigname="ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME", tsigalgo="hmac-sha256", tsigsecret="ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY"})

Sample Infoblox configuration (import file)


Sample DIG (to get SOA)

dig  @ -y hmac-sha256:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY dns-bh.ioc2rpz SOA
dig  @ -y hmac-sha256:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY notracking.ioc2rpz SOA
dig  @ -y hmac-sha256:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY phishtank.ioc2rpz SOA

kdig @ -y hmac-sha256:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY-NAME:ioc2rpz-YOUR-UNIQUE-KEY dns-bh.ioc2rpz SOA +tls