AddonLib helps Minecraft plugin developers handle optional addons,
checking compatibility and making installation/updates easier for users
- Compatibility checks: Confirms addons match your plugin's version.
- Easy Updates: Automatic updates for all addons.
- Centralized Management: Track addons via a simple config file.
- User Friendly: Users can install addons without manual downloads.
- Main Plugin: Your core plugin (like HologramLib) that others can extend with addons.
- Addon: A separate plugin that depends on your main plugin to work.
- Registry: A public list of all available addons (hosted online as a JSON file).
- Config: A file (
) created by AddonLib to track installed addons and settings.
The registry is a JSON file hosted online. It contains:
: The root URL where addons are stored (e.g., a GitHub organization).addons
: A list of addons with descriptions and version compatibility.
Example Registry (here is the entire HologramLib registry):
"Commands": { /*addon name (Same as the repository name)*/
"description":"Commands for controlling holograms.",
"2.1.0" :"1.7.1", // addon v2.1.0 works with main plugin v1.7.1
Addon JARs must follow the naming convention <addonName>-<version>.jar
Example: CommandsAddon-1.0.0.jar
Shade AddonLib into your main plugin:
Example implementation
AddonLib addonLib = new AddonLib(new Logger() {
public void log(LogLevel logLevel, String message) {
// for example: Bukkit.getLogger().log(toJavaUtilLevel(logLevel), message);
}, plugin.getDataFolder(), plugin.getDescription().getVersion())
.setEnabledAddons(new String[]{"Commands"})
.setBackupRegistry("<your-backup.url/registry.json>") /* Set this field! If the default registry fails, it will use the backup registry of HologramLib if this is not set. */
public static Level toJavaUtilLevel(Logger.LogLevel logLevel) {
return switch (logLevel) {
case INFO -> Level.INFO;
case SUCCESS -> Level.FINE;
case WARNING -> Level.WARNING;
case ERROR -> Level.SEVERE;
Reloading the config:
/*If you set upgrade to true, all addons will be also updated to the latest compatible version*/
AddonLib will generate a file called addons.json
into your plugins/<main plugin name>
It will look like this:
"addons": {
/*These addons are fetched from the registry*/
"Commands": {
"enabled": true,
"installedVersion": "2.1.0", /*This line will only be added when that addon is enabled and successfully downloaded*/
"description": "Commands for controlling holograms."
"settings": {
"autoUpgrade": false /*If true, all addons will be updated to the latest compatible version on startup*/
Add a command to display addon statuses ingame:
for (Map.Entry<String, AddonEntry> entry : addonLib.getConfig().getAddonEntries().entrySet()) {
String status = entry.getValue().isEnabled()
? ChatColor.GREEN + "Enabled"
: ChatColor.RED + "Disabled";
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + entry.getKey() + " v" +
entry.getValue().getInstalledVersion() + ": " + status);
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + " " + entry.getValue().getDescription());
- Creates
config if missing. - Fetches the latest registry to check for new or updated addons.
- Validates installed addons:
- Removes addons incompatible with the current main plugin version.
- Downloads missing addons or updates them to latest compatible version if
in config is enabled.
- Ensures only versions specified in the config are active by checking the plugins folder for .jars and downloads/removes addons based on the config.
Using addonLib.reload(<upgrade>);
from the AddonLib api:
- Refreshes the registry and updates addons based on the
: Updates all addons to their latest compatible versions.upgrade=false
: Adds new addons but keeps existing versions.