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AddonLib helps Minecraft plugin developers handle optional addons,
checking compatibility and making installation/updates easier for users

Discord JitPack

Why Use AddonLib?

  • Compatibility checks: Confirms addons match your plugin's version.
  • Easy Updates: Automatic updates for all addons.
  • Centralized Management: Track addons via a simple config file.
  • User Friendly: Users can install addons without manual downloads.


  • Main Plugin: Your core plugin (like HologramLib) that others can extend with addons.
  • Addon: A separate plugin that depends on your main plugin to work.
  • Registry: A public list of all available addons (hosted online as a JSON file).
  • Config: A file (addons.json) created by AddonLib to track installed addons and settings.

Registry Structure

The registry is a JSON file hosted online. It contains:

  • baseURL: The root URL where addons are stored (e.g., a GitHub organization).
  • addons: A list of addons with descriptions and version compatibility.

Example Registry (here is the entire HologramLib registry):

      "Commands":  { /*addon name (Same as the repository name)*/
         "description":"Commands for controlling holograms.",
            "2.1.0" :"1.7.1", // addon v2.1.0 works with main plugin v1.7.1



Addon JARs must follow the naming convention <addonName>-<version>.jar
Example: CommandsAddon-1.0.0.jar

Shade AddonLib into your main plugin:

Example implementation

AddonLib addonLib = new AddonLib(new Logger() {
  public void log(LogLevel logLevel, String message) {
    // for example: Bukkit.getLogger().log(toJavaUtilLevel(logLevel), message);
}, plugin.getDataFolder(), plugin.getDescription().getVersion())
   .setEnabledAddons(new String[]{"Commands"})
   .setBackupRegistry("<your-backup.url/registry.json>") /* Set this field! If the default registry fails, it will use the backup registry of HologramLib if this is not set. */

public static Level toJavaUtilLevel(Logger.LogLevel logLevel) {
     return switch (logLevel) {
        case INFO -> Level.INFO;
        case SUCCESS -> Level.FINE;
        case WARNING -> Level.WARNING;
        case ERROR -> Level.SEVERE;

Reloading the config:

/*If you set upgrade to true, all addons will be also updated to the latest compatible version*/

AddonLib will generate a file called addons.json into your plugins/<main plugin name> folder It will look like this:

  "addons": {
    /*These addons are fetched from the registry*/
    "Commands": { 
      "enabled": true,
      "installedVersion": "2.1.0", /*This line will only be added when that addon is enabled and successfully downloaded*/
      "description": "Commands for controlling holograms."
  "settings": {
    "autoUpgrade": false /*If true, all addons will be updated to the latest compatible version on startup*/

Usage Examples

List Installed Addons

Add a command to display addon statuses ingame:

for (Map.Entry<String, AddonEntry> entry : addonLib.getConfig().getAddonEntries().entrySet()) {
  String status = entry.getValue().isEnabled() 
    ? ChatColor.GREEN + "Enabled" 
    : ChatColor.RED + "Disabled";
  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "- " + entry.getKey() + " v" + 
    entry.getValue().getInstalledVersion() + ": " + status);
  sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "  " + entry.getValue().getDescription());

How AddonLib Manages Addons

On Startup:

  1. Creates addons.json config if missing.
  2. Fetches the latest registry to check for new or updated addons.
  3. Validates installed addons:
  • Removes addons incompatible with the current main plugin version.
  • Downloads missing addons or updates them to latest compatible version if settings.autoUpgrade in config is enabled.
  1. Ensures only versions specified in the config are active by checking the plugins folder for .jars and downloads/removes addons based on the config.

During Reload:

Using addonLib.reload(<upgrade>); from the AddonLib api:

  • Refreshes the registry and updates addons based on the upgrade parameter:
    • upgrade=true: Updates all addons to their latest compatible versions.
    • upgrade=false: Adds new addons but keeps existing versions.