VRML, X3D, Media Demos and Scenes mainly for BSContact 3D Player
Holger Grahn
Bitmanagement BSContact Player is a 3D Engine supporting DirectX9, DirectX11 and OpenGL It is based on the Web3D VRML Standard
Here is a set of examples and demos for specific BSContact features
Tthe BSContact Player is available https://www.bitmanagement.de/en/products/interactive-3d-clients/bs-contact
BSContact Stereo adds support for Stereo Rendering, Stereo Video Rendering, MultiView Display and VR Occulus Rift support https://www.bitmanagement.de/en/products/interactive-3d-clients/bs-contact-stereo
Input Formats are WRL, X3D, OBJ, STL, PLY, Collada (DAE) Texture Fomats are jpeg, png, j2k, dds, bmp, tga, gif .. Video Formats are based on DirectShow and installed codecs avi, mpeg ... 3D Videos can be opened directly in different format like side by side, above-below etc all 3D Files imported can be exported back as WRL, X3D ...
More Bitmanagement developer info on http://sdk.bitmanagement.de/ https://www.bitmanagement.de/developer/index.html
VRML 97 ISO/IEC 14772-1:1997 - The Virtual Reality Modeling Language https://www.bitmanagement.de/developer/spec/vrml97/index.html https://www.bitmanagement.de/developer/spec/vrml97specification.pdf https://www.bitmanagement.de/developer/spec/vrmlscript/vrmlscript.html
X3D ISO/IEC 19775-1:2013 https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/
Because drop of support for native plugins in Webbrowsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox you would need to load url's in the BSContact Player->File Open Command.
Microsoft Internet Explorer supported the hosting of the Active X compononent BSContactVmrl.ocx, so there are many examples using the WebBrowser HTML integration. A workaround solution to open an url in BSContact is by simply clicking in a WebBrower, is to create a BSURL file. Its the same fromat as the Windows URL InternetShortCut file, but bsurl is associated with BSContact.exe
Eaxmple bsurl file, save as textfile with .bsurl extension: [InternetShortcut] URL=https://www.bitmanagement.de/developer/contact/examples/texcoordGen/venus_gradient.wrl
Examples: https://github.com/HolgerGrahn/Vrml/tree/main/Examples/bsurl
click on a file, use the GitHub download button, double click in the download file to open BSContact.exe or drag the link into an open BSContact.
For the demos on this repositiory it might be easiest to download as ZIP. OBJ files are are refering MTL and texuture files, this is not currently supported via HTTP download, so the folders need to be downloaded as zip.
Some older examples https://home.snafu.de/hg/vrml/archive/
https://home.snafu.de/hg/ (mostly defunct links)