Company directory is a telephony application that let callers connect to company phones by keying an extension.
It requires:
- Google App Engine (Java) - as a web server
- Hoiio Developer Account - for telephony IVR API
Setup GAE Java SDK and Eclipse Plugin by following this Google guide.
Create a new GAE application from Thanks to Google, it's free to setup a web app on their cloud, and probably free for serving this lightweight app.
Note down the Appspot Identifier
that you specify when setting up your GAE application.
You need to register a Hoiio Account at
With an account, login to Hoiio, create an app and note down your Hoiio App ID
and Hoiio Access Token
Then go to Numbers and purchase a number of your choice.
Configure the number, and change Voice Notify URL to Replace with your Appspot Identifier
Note: A free Hoiio account has trial restrictions. You would need to top up Hoiio credits to lift the trial.
Clone this project:
git clone
In Eclipse, File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace. Select the cloned directory and click Finish.
You will need to Edit 2 files:
In /src/com/hoiio/api/extensions/persistence/
- Replace
with yours - Replace
with yours - Change the number of digits that each extension has (Optional)
In /war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml
- Replace
with yours
Deploy the project. From Eclipse, right click on the project, Google > Deploy to App Engine.
If the console says successful, you're ready to configure your company directory!
Go to your appspot URL eg.
You have to login with the Google Account that created the GAE app. That Google Account is the admin, and is the only person who can edit the company directory.
After logging in, use the interface to map your company extensions to phone numbers.
Test out by calling your Hoiio Number!
Make sure in Eclipse GAE Settings, it is using Datanucleus JDO/JPA version 2 and local HRD is enabled
Increase the number of extensions supported by changing