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πŸ“· πŸ—£ Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language


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πŸ“· πŸ—£ Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language

require('array.prototype.find').shim() require('array.prototype.findindex').shim()

import choo from 'choo' import requestCamera from './effects/request-camera' import requestFullscreen from './effects/request-fullscreen' import snap from './effects/snap' import translate from './effects/translate' import baseView from './views/base-view' import {langList} from './config'

const app = choo()

app.model({ state: { activeView: 'main', cameraReady: false, cameraError: false, stream: null, video: null, ctx: null, canvas: null, isSnapping: false, firstTime: true, fullscreen: false, label: '', translation: '', activeLang: langList[0], targetLang: 'english', guesses: '', rotateTerms: true }, subscriptions: [ (send, done) => window.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => send('requestCamera', done) ) ], reducers: { showList: () => ({activeView: 'list'}), showMain: () => ({activeView: 'main'}), cameraError: () => ({cameraError: true}), startSnap: () => ({isSnapping: true, firstTime: false}), endSnap: () => ({isSnapping: false}), setFullscreen: () => ({fullscreen: true}), setLabelPair: (, labels) => labels, changeLang: (, lang) => ({ activeView: 'main', activeLang: lang, label: '', translation: '' }), setStream: (_, {stream, video, ctx, canvas}) => ({ cameraReady: true, stream, video, ctx, canvas }) }, effects: { requestCamera, snap, translate, requestFullscreen

@import 'nib'

$yellow = #ffc234

  • box-sizing border-box margin 0 padding 0

html font-family 'Montserrat', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif

body background-color #000 color #fff margin 0 height 100vh overflow hidden

@keyframes flash 0% background-color rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)

100% background-color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)

#target position absolute pointer-events none top 0 bottom 0 left 0 right 0

&.flashing animation flash .3s ease-out

.button text-transform uppercase font-size 7vw border 0.5vw solid #fff padding 3vw cursor pointer

#intro text-align center padding 4vw h1 font-size 15vw font-weight normal

h2 font-weight normal font-size 5vw line-height 1.7 padding 4vw

#video position fixed top 50% left 50% min-width 100% min-height 100% width auto height auto z-index -100 transform translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) pointer-events none

#lang-list ul position absolute top 50% left 0 right 0 list-style none text-align center transform translateY(-50%)

li font-size 4.4vh text-transform uppercase line-height 2.2 cursor pointer

  color $yellow

  opacity .6

.x position fixed z-index 2 font-size 20vmin right 3vmin top -2.4vmin cursor pointer

  opacity .6

#main-view text-align center position absolute top 7vh bottom 45vmin left 0 right 0 width 100vw height 60vh transition opacity .2s ease-out

&.faded pointer-events none opacity 0

.row width 100% height 50% margin 0 auto

h2, h4
  font-weight normal
  position relative
  top 50%
  transform translateY(-50%)
  width 100%

  font-size 12vmin
  white-space nowrap
  overflow hidden
  text-overflow ellipsis

  text-transform uppercase
  font-size 4vmin

    text-decoration underline
    color $yellow
      cursor pointer
      opacity .6

#main-view.spell-view div:first-child border-bottom none

  font-size 45vw
  top 40vh

#canvas display none

#shroud background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) position fixed top 0 bottom 0 left 0 right 0

#shutter-button position fixed width 19vmin !important height 19vmin !important border-radius 50% background-color #fff border 1px solid #fff padding 1.5vmin background-clip content-box bottom 15vmin left 50% !important opacity .8 transform translateX(-50%) cursor pointer transition opacity .2s -webkit-tap-highlight-color rgba(0,0,0,0) -webkit-tap-highlight-color transparent outline 0

&:active opacity 1

&:hover opacity .6

&.busy opacity .3 cursor wait

.debug user-select none bottom 2.5vmin position fixed width 90% left 50% transform translateX(-50%) font-family monospace font-size 3vmin line-height 1.5

@media (min-width 800px) #target left 50% top 40% border 2px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, .5) transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) display block height 70vmin width 70vmin

#main-view .row

    font-size 60px
    font-size 20px
    bottom 70px

#spinner top 40% !important

#shutter-button width 100px !important height 100px !important padding 10px !important width 10vmin !important height 10vmin !important bottom 10vmin !important

.x font-size 110px

.debug font-size 1.6rem

#first-time position fixed width 100% font-size 2vh font-weight normal position fixed top 45% width 100% font-size 4.5vmin font-weight normal transform translateY(-50%)

@media (max-height 600px) #target display none

#cam-error width 50% text-align center font-size 3.2vmin line-height 1.5 position absolute top 50% left 50% transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0)

#spinner animation rotator 1.4s linear infinite position fixed top 50% left 50% transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) transition opacity .3s ease-out opacity 0

&.active opacity 1

circle fill none stroke-width 6 stroke-linecap round cx 33 cy 33 r 30 stroke-dasharray 187 stroke-dashoffset 0 stroke #fff transform-origin center animation dash 1.4s ease-in-out infinite

@keyframes rotator 0% transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) rotate(0deg)

100% transform translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) rotate(270deg)

@keyframes dash 0% stroke-dashoffset 187

50% stroke-dashoffset 46.75 transform rotate(135deg)

100% stroke-dashoffset 187 transform rotate(450deg)

@media (max-height 450px) #main-view top 0 !important

#shutter-button bottom 12vmin !important

*::-webkit-media-controls-panel display none !important -webkit-appearance none

*::--webkit-media-controls-play-button display none !important -webkit-appearance none

*::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button display none !important -webkit-appearance none } })

app.router({default: '/'}, [['/', baseView]]) window.document.body.appendChild(app.start())


πŸ“· πŸ—£ Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language








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