ChatApp is a real-time chat application built using React, Go, and MongoDB. It provides users with a platform to engage in instant messaging with other users, creating private or group chats.
User Registration and Authentication: Users can create an account and authenticate themselves to access the chat application. Real-time Messaging: Users can send and receive messages in real-time, enabling instant communication. Message Notifications: Users receive notifications for new messages, ensuring they never miss important conversations. Message History: ChatApp stores message history, allowing users to view past conversations and scroll through previous messages. User Profile: Users have personalized profiles where they can update their information and profile picture. Online/Offline Status: Users can see the online/offline status of other users, providing visibility into their availability for communication. Search Functionality: Users can search for other users to start new conversations or find existing chats. Emoji Support: ChatApp supports a wide range of emojis to make conversations more expressive and engaging.
Front-end: React, HTML, CSS Back-end: Go (Golang) Database: MongoDB
To run the ChatApp locally, follow these steps:
git clone
Install the required dependencies for the front-end and back-end: For the front-end, navigate to the client directory and run:
cd client npm install
For the back-end, navigate to the server directory and run:
cd server go get ./...
Configure the database connection: Create a MongoDB database and obtain the connection URI.
Build and run the application: For the front-end, within the client directory, run:
npm run build For the back-end, within the server directory, run:
go run main.go Access the ChatApp in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
Special thanks to the authors and contributors of the libraries and frameworks used in this project for their invaluable work.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us at