The TC2E-GF-118 Golden Formula Paraflex subwoofer was originaly designed by Matthew Morgan J. member of the Higher Order Quarterwave Society (HOQWS) which was started in 2013 by Matthew Morgan J, Dustin Morgan (Flex Tech Designs) and J. Vansickle (Paragon Concepts)
The Paraflex subwoofer is based on a Low and High Tuned Resonator (LTR/HTR) making the design very efficient in it's bandwidth, which was named Paraflex for easy naming. Many prototypes and design revisions have been made by members of the HOQWS, continualy improving the design of the cabinet and its different versions.
The Golden Formula series of Paraflex subwoofers achieves improved performance by the use of a Throat Chamber in conjunction with an increased rate of expansion in the Low-Tuned Horn resonator section. This increased gain/sensitivity & output within the cabinet's working range, typically comes at the cost of sacrificing some surplus upper extension and can also often require a larger cabinet size.
The TC2E-GF-118 Revision 42.11 is the latest update for the TC2E-GF-118.
New 410mm long 45 degree angle-brace panels (which also serve as the folded & offset portion of the high-tuned resonator) have increased the upper frequency extension (cut-off) to 180hz and improved the cabinet's phase response, transient response, and impulse response, while reducing gd & decay times in the cabinet's upper working range above 80hz.
Acoustic damping material such as polyester fiberfill should be added to the angle braces. insert the damping material until it fills up 50% to 60% of the angle-brace's internal volume beginning from the end caps.
A mouth brace has now been included to reduce flex in the mouth exit area, and with the updated merge bracing shape; a b&c 18ds115 is capable of fitting past on an angle. longer drivers will require shortening the brace or making it removable.
Dimensions shall be 1200 x 915 x 600 milimeters and shall have 658 Liters Gross volume. The unloaded weight shall be 97Kg / 213Lbs.
The TC2E-GF-118 has a 35Hz (Fb) tuning and the working range shall be 30hz to 180hz. Recomended crossover setting depends on the driver used, but a basic setting can be set with a 26-30hz 24dB/Butterworth Highpass filter (24dB/BW HPF) and a 75-160hz Butterworth 4th order low pass filter (24dB/BW LPF). We encourage the user to adjust the frequency range and filters based on their application.
Other designs using the Paraflex principles where made for midrange and infrasonic frequency ranges. There are always new concepts and designs in progress on the HOQWS facebook page.
3D design by Ty Cention. (KaiRonex)
Honorable contributers and people from all arround the world who shared their knowledge, time, testing builds, prototyping, art work, design work and so much more to the HOQS group:
Ty Cention, Josh Mullins, Philip van Heijningen, Patrick Sander, Val Boodram, Justin Crescendo, Angel Garabitos Romero, Jason Geban, Andre Schrock, Casey Raynes, Conor Noakes, Nicolai Grymer and many more.