EditSQLTableInExcel is an Excel Add-in that provides users a way to import and edit table data in Excel. It allows users to insert, update and delete records in any SQL Server table that has a Primary Key defined. It has been designed to be a simple tool for data analysts to manipulate SQL data without having to write scripts.
This Add-in is heavily based on Pieter van der Westhuizen's (Pietervdw) SQL Server for Excel Add-in which is available at https://github.com/Pietervdw/SQLForExcel. This version fixes multiple bugs found in the original Add-in, and no longer needs Add-in Express for Office and .net in order to build and run the project.
To install the software, download the .msi file from the latest release from the releases tab and follow the installation instructions. After the installation has finished the Add-in should appear in Excel in the Data tab. Make sure to reopen any Excel files that were open during the install process to see the Add-in. If by any chance it doesn't appear check the COM Add-ins menu in the Developer tab in Excel and make sure it is checked.