Welcome to my portfolio repository! This is a showcase of my projects, skills, and experiences as a recent Computer Science and Economics graduate.
Hello! I am Tshidiso Mahlo, a recent Computer Science and Economics graduate from North West University, Potchefstroom. I am highly motivated with a strong foundation in programming languages like Java, C++, and Python, along with expertise in web development using technologies such as React, Mongoose, Express, SQL, and PostgreSQL. I have a passion for solving complex problems and a keen interest in both tech and finance sectors. I enjoy developing secure and efficient systems, as demonstrated in my various projects including a password authentication system and a task management web app.
Developed a secure authentication system using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, featuring user registration, password encryption, input validation, and rate limiting to prevent brute force attacks.
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- Live Demo (if available)
Created a weather application using Axios, React.js, and OpenWeather API.
- Programming Languages: Java, C++, Python, JavaScript
- Web Development: React, Express, HTML, CSS
- Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms - FreeCodeCamp
- Back End Development and APIs Certification - FreeCodeCamp
- Front-End Libraries Certification - FreeCodeCamp
- Phone: 0655363891
- Email: tshidisomahlo05@gmail.com
- GitHub: Hiccupfish
- LinkedIn: Tshidiso Mahlo (add your LinkedIn profile link)
- Portfolio Website: https://hiccupfish.github.io/TshidisoMahloPortfolio/
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Hiccupfish/TshidisoMahloPortfolio.git