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Hero Modifiers

Luke Zhao edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 1 revision

Checkout HeroModifier.swift for up-to-date modifier details.

Basic Modifiers

  • fade
  • position
  • size
  • scale
  • rotate
  • perspective
  • translate
  • zPosition
  • opacity
  • shadowOpacity
  • shadowRadius
  • shadowColor
  • shadowOffset
  • shadowPath
  • borderColor
  • borderWidth

Advance Modifiers

Modifier Name Description
delay(time) Delay for the animation
duration(time) Duration for the animation, if unspecified, the duration will be calculated based on the distance travelled
timingFunction(curveName) Timing function for the animation (linear, easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut, standard, deceleration, acceleration, sharp)
timingFunction(c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y) Custom cubic bezier timing function for the animation
spring(stiffness, damping) (iOS 9+) Use spring animation with custom stiffness & damping. The duration will be automatically calculated. Will be ignored if arc, curve, or duration is set.
useGlobalCoordinateSpace Force the view to use global coordinate space
overlay(color:,opacity) Animate an overlay on top of the view
source(HeroID) Transition from a view with given heroID
arc(intensity) Make position animation follow a natural arc curve.
cascade(deltaDelay, direction, forceMatchedToWait) Apply increasing delay to view's subview
ignoreSubviewModifiers Disables all heroModifiers for view's direct subviews
useScaleBasedSizeChange Force Hero use scale based size animation.
useOptimizedSnapshot Change snapshot type to OptimizedSnapshot, see Snapshot Types
useNormalSnapshot Change snapshot type to NormalSnapshot, see Snapshot Types
useLayerRenderSnapshot Change snapshot type to LayerRenderSnapshot, see Snapshot Types
useNoSnapshot Change snapshot type to NoSnapshot, see Snapshot Types
beginWith(modifiers:) Apply modifiers directly to the view at the start of the transition. Without animation.
beginWithIfMatched(modifiers:) Same as beginWith but effective only when matched.

Modifiers Support for matched views

Some of the modifiers won't work with matched views(views with the same heroID). These are:

  • fade
  • scale
  • translate
  • rotate
  • transform
  • cascade

NOTE: For other modifiers that works with matched views, the target view's modifiers will be used. the source view's modifiers will be ignored.

Modifier Details

Arc Modifier

When animating position, if arc is enabled. the view will follow a natural arc curve instead of going to the target position directly. See material design for more details.

The intensity parameter is a number that determine the curve's intensity. A value of 0 means no curve. A value of 1 means a natural downward curve. This value can be negative or above 1. Default is 1.

Use the debug plugin and enable Show Curves to see the actual arc curve objects follows.

Source Modifier

The source modifier allows a view to be transitioned from a view with the given heroID.

See the Menu Example for how source is used.

Cascade Modifier

The cascade modifier automatically applies increasing delay heroModifiers to a view's direct subviews.

Parameters Description
deltaDelay delay in between each animation
direction the cascade direction, can be topToBottom, bottomToTop, leftToRight, & rightToLeft, default topToBottom
forceMatchedToWait whether or not to delay matched views until all cascading animations have started, default false

NOTE: matched views(views with the same heroID) won't have the cascading effect. however, you can use the 3rd parameter to delay the start time of matched views until the last cascading animation have started. The matched views will animate simultaneously with the cascading views by default.

See the ListToGrid & ImageGallery Example for how cascade is used.

ignoreSubviewModifiers Modifier

The ignoreSubviewModifiers modifier disables all heroModifiers attributes for a view's direct subviews.

useScaleBasedSizeChange Modifier

Force Hero use scale based size animation. This will convert all .size modifier into .scale modifier. This is to help Hero animate layers that doesn't support bounds animation. Also gives better animation performance.