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Providing Fine-grained Network Metrics for Monitoring Applications using In-band Telemetry

This repository contains the code and instructions needed to reproduce the experiments for the paper Providing Fine-grained Network Metrics for Monitoring Applications using In-band Telemetry.

To check our paper's final results go to our Google Drive folder with the NetSoft 2023 results

Installation Guide

Before reading this tutorial, follow the instructions in the section "Obtaining required software" in the P4 tutorials Repository. After completing those steps, open the VM, go to the ~/Documents folder and clone this repository with the following command:

git clone -b micro --single-branch

⚠️ Clone this repo directly into the ~/Documents folder since this code uses hardcoded paths.

Then, install tcpreplay:

sudo apt-get install tcpreplay

Python prerequisites

Even though you can execute P4 programs and get the resulting files just with the installation steps before, to execute the graph plotting Python scripts used in this work, you need to install the following Python packages:

pip install matplotlib numpy pandas scapy

Improve the BMv2 software switch performance

The default BMv2 switch (simple_switch_grpc for this project) that comes with the P4 VM has low performance because it uses a log system. To fully replicate our results, you need to use the performance-improved BMv2 that can be obtained by following the steps below.

First, clone the behavioral model repository from the official GitHub:

cd Documents
git clone

Enter the behavioral model repository:

cd behavioral-model

Install the dependencies and required libraries:

sudo apt-get  install libreadline-dev

⚠️ Increase the virtual machine's processing capacity (memory and CPU) otherwise it might crash for the next step

Now, configure the software switch without the log system to improve the performance (this step takes some time, so be patient):

./configure 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O3' 'CFLAGS=-g -O3' --with-thrift --with-pi --disable-logging-macros --disable-elogger

Finally, install the software switch.

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

⚠️ This will create two software switch executables: the simple_switch and the psa_switch, but not the simple_switch_grpc that is needed for this project. To install the simple_switch_grpc target, go to the simple_switch_grpc folder

cd targets/simple_switch_grpc

Next, run the following commands:

./configure --with-thrift 'CXXFLAGS=-O0 -g'
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

To change from the improved software switch used in this project to the unoptimized version, go to the src folder and open the Makefile with a text editor. Change the BMV2_SWITCH_EXE value from /home/p4/Documents/behavioral-model/targets/simple_switch_grpc/simple_switch_grpc to simple_switch_grpc. However, be aware that with this switch version you won't be able to reproduce our experiments.

That's it; now you can start reproducing the experiments!

Reproduce paper evaluation

To reproduce the experiments performed in our paper Providing Fine-grained Network Metrics for Monitoring Applications using In-band Telemetry, start by downloading our Google Drive folder containing the experiments traffic. Extract the files from the ZIP folder and move the .pcapng files with the elephant_mice string to the DINT/testing/experiment_traffic_generator/elephant_mice and the ones with the microbursts string to the DINT/testing/experiment_traffic_generator/microbursts

unzip -d ~/Downloads/ ~/Downloads/DINT_NetSoft_Workload-*.zip
mv ~/Downloads/DINT_NetSoft_Workload/*elephant_mice* ~/Documents/DINT/testing/experiment_traffic_generator/elephant_mice
mv ~/Downloads/DINT_NetSoft_Workload/*microbursts* ~/Documents/DINT/testing/experiment_traffic_generator/microbursts

⚠️ Despite running the same experiments with the same workload, the final results may vary since the algorithms may behave differently.

Case Study 1: Monitoring Microbursts

Follow the next steps to replicate the results for the microbursts case study. First, create the folder to store your results:

cd ~/Documents/DINT
mkdir results

Now, go to the testing folder:

cd testing

And run the following command:

./ microbursts ~/Documents/DINT/results/ 100 0.1 5

Let it run; receiving all results will take approximately 26 minutes since each INT algorithm (DINT, LINT, and the static) runs five times. After the experiment, check your final results folder for the graphs folder containing the plotted graphs and the anomalous_flows_data folder for the classification performance results.

Case Study 2: Monitoring Elephant Flows

Follow the next steps to replicate the elephant flows case study results. First, create the folder to store your results:

cd ~/Documents/DINT
mkdir results

Now, go to the testing folder:

cd testing

Three minimum telemetry insertion values were used for the elephant flows case study: 0.5s, 1s. and 2s. For each one of them, you need to run the following command:

./ elephant_mice ~/Documents/DINT/results/ 100 <min_tel_insertion> 5

Let it run; it will take approximately 26 minutes for each <min_tel_insertion> value. After a run for one <min_tel_insertion> has ended, change the <min_tel_insertion> to the next one until all three have been evaluated. After running all three experiments, check the last experiment's folder in the final results folder you provided. Look for the graphs folder containing the plotted graphs and the anomalous_flows_data folder for the classification performance results.

Create your workload

To create your workload, the first thing is to understand how our paper's workload was created.

Generate the desired traffic

Initially, we defined our desired workload for the elephant_mice and microbursts experiments. Check the flows.txt files in the testing/experiment_traffic_generator/elephant_mice and testing/experiment_traffic_generator/microbursts folders. These files are used to define the experiments workload. They have the following format:

  • First line: The type of the experiment, elephant_mice or microbursts;
  • Second line: The destination IPv4 address;
  • Third line: The number of hosts sending the desired workload;
  • Fourth line: The experiment's total time;
  • Final N lines: The subsequent N lines describe the workload from each one of the hosts with the following format: <amt_flows> <throughput_function> <throughput_func_parameters> <duration_function> <duration_func_parameters>, ...-- Each line (host) can have multiple flow-generating strategies, each separated by a comma (,).

These text files served as input to the testing/experiment_traffic_generator/ script, and the information about each experiment flow was created (bandwidth and duration). The output of the script is text files (one for each host informed) containing the information about each flow, where each line (flow) has the following format: <destination_IP> <flow_bandwidth> <flow_duration> <flow_starting_time>.

Check the h*traffic.txt files in the testing/experiment_traffic_generator/elephant_mice and testing/experiment_traffic_generator/microbursts folders to understand the generated information about each flow. Finally, the testing/node_communication/ script was used to send the desired traffic.

You can start creating your workload now that you understand how our traffic was generated. First, remove the existing files in the testing/experiment_traffic_generator/elephant_mice and testing/experiment_traffic_generator/microbursts folders. Then, read the testing/experiment_traffic_generator/ documentation to understand how to define your workload; after that, create your flows.txt file for the elephant_mice or microbursts scenario; finally, run the to create the workload for each one of your hosts.

For example, if you wanted an elephant_mice workload where there are three hosts (h1, h2, and h3 by default) sending packets to host for 50 seconds, and each host sends ten flows with random bandwidth between 0.5 and 1 Mbps for 8 seconds you would have a flows.txt like this:

10 R 0.5 1 SD 8 0
10 R 0.5 1 SD 8 0
10 R 0.5 1 SD 8 0

Then, to generate the actual traffic for the node_communication/ script, run the following command:

python3 -c elephant_mice/flows.txt -o elephant_mice/

Check the elephant_micefolder for the resulting files.

The next sub-section will explain how to use the workload created to test the three INT algorithms used in our paper.

Run the same workload for all experiments

With the previous steps, you generated your workload. However, to not depend on Python, Scapy, and the function, we will use the tcpreplay tool to capture one execution of your workload in order to repeat it in all future experiments. To this end, we will run your workload one-time with the basic.p4 switch and capture it with tcpreplay.

First, go to the experiment_config/ folder and open the get_tcpreplay_pcap.json file with a text editor. Change the value of the time parameter to the one you provided when generating your workload plus five seconds to account for the setup time. Also, change each device's duration:<time> entry to reflect the new experiment's duration.

The default experiment for the get_tcpreplay_pcap.json is the elephant_mice. If your workload is for the elephant_mice experiment, you can proceed to build the P4 switch and capture the traffic. If your workload is for the microbursts application, change every elephant_mice string for microbursts.

After adjusting the get_tcpreplay_pcap.json, go to the src folder:

cd ~/Documents/DINT/src/

Open the Makefile with a text editor and edit the TOPO to be topologies/tcpreplay_mesh/topology.json. Close and save the file.

Now, it is time to build the basic.p4 switch, use the get_tcpreplay_pcap.json file to configure our experiment and get the tcpreplay .pcapng files:

make clean && make P4_SRC=basic.p4 TEST_JSON=../testing/experiment_config/get_tcpreplay_pcap.json

After that, change back the TOPO in the src/Makefile to topologies/mesh/topology.json. The resulting PCAPNG files will be in either the elephant_mice or microbursts folder in the experiment_traffic_generator/ directory. With all these steps done, you can try DINT and the other algorithms using your workload. Follow the steps in the Reproduce paper evaluation section for this.


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