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Banks [Addon]

Hempfest edited this page Dec 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

Clans[Banks] makes use of the Clans API to bring you seamless access to new Clans features.

On running /clans you'll notice that the following commands are now available:

Run /clan bank to get information on available Clans[Banks] features.

Requires clans.banks.use or equivalent .* syntax

/clan bank

Print the help message for the addon and access a clickable command menu.

/clan bank balance

Get the current balance stored in the clan bank

Requires clans.banks.use.balance or equivalent .use syntax

/clan bank <deposit,withdraw> <amount>

Deposit to or withdraw from the bank <amount>

Requires clans.banks.use.deposit/clans.banks.use.withdraw, respectively or equivalent .* syntax

Sample configuration

# This value sets the initial balance of new banks
default-balance: 0

# 0 - Silent, 1 - Successful and cancelled transactions, 2 - ALL transactions
log-level: 1

### Language select
# (blank) = English (US)
lang: # More to come, can leave blank for now :)


default-balance: 0

This value is referenced every time a new bank instance is created. Typically, this is once for any given clan, when /clan bank commands are initially run.

log-level: 1

This value determines the verbosity of transaction logging in the console. Set to 0, no transaction activity will be sent. 1 will print out fully-complete, successful transactions, as well as any cancelled pending transactions. 2 will log fully both completed and pending transactions with additional detail given regarding clanId.


This value is currently referenced once on reload, and while null for the moment will allow in the future selection of the plugin's message and menu language

An up-to-date copy of the base configuration can always be found here.

Clans[Banks] currently uses the following permission nodes:

  • clans.banks.* - Grant all permissions (currently assigns only to clans.banks.use.*)

  • clans.banks.use - Grant access to basic Clans[Banks] functionality

    • Currently, this simply assigns true clans.banks.use.balance
  • clans.banks.use.balance - Grant access to /clan bank balance

  • clans.banks.use.deposit - Grant access to /clan bank deposit

  • clans.banks.use.withdraw - Grant access to /clan bank withdraw

  • clans.banks.use.* - Grant ALL of the .use permissions above (balance, deposit, withdraw)


This plugin is designed to be translated easily (aside from the commands themselves) via additions to the lang folder under src/main/resources. Contributions take the form of messages_{cc}.properties, where {cc} corresponds to the appropriate ISO language code (for instance, ru for Russian). If you would like to translate please take the time to refer to in the main resources directory and raise an issue/PR accordingly. Thanks!

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