Implemented web scraping technique to collect text comments toward recipes from a restaurant website and extracted keywords from it. Build classifiers to predicte whether a recipe review is positive or negative only based on text information.
- Step one: the website we want to extract data is First, we decide that we only download data from chicken part. We let program download link of all recipe.
- Step two: because all of the links have already been stored into text file, so depending on that, the page can be downloaded.
- Step three: we indicate three text files to store the data we collect. Because the rating is the target we want to make prediction, and it contain 1 to 5, five levels. For the easier assignment, all data can be set 4 and 5 combine as positive part; 3 as mild part; 1 and 2 as negative part. Then we extract the data we need (comment and rating) and save them into three individual files.
- Step four: for the better accuracy, the part of mild review is deleted.
- Step five: for the high-efficacy consideration, only 20,000 positive and negative we need as training set, the rest of the data is testing data.
- Step eight: train and test the model, using Tf-Idf and k-NN. Show the accuracy as result.