This is a simple framework for creating updatable entities. It is designed to be used for creating simple games using an OOP like style in C
It is a simple POC that I use and is surely not a fully featured framework.
This framework works for both Linux and Windows.
All the entities are stored in a linked list, and the memory is always aligned on 32bits using aligned_alloc dependent system.
May change in the future to use a custom memory allocator and a contiguous array.
#include "entity_framework.h"
typedef struct {
// ...
} Player;
void create_player(struct entity_manager *manager, struct entity *entity, va_list args)
Player *player = malloc(sizeof(Player));
// ... init player (using args if needed)
entity->instance = (void *)player;
// The function is considered successful if entity->instance is not NULL
void destroy_player(struct entity_manager *manager, struct entity *entity)
Player *player = (Player *)entity->instance;
// ... Free player internals if needed
entity->instance = NULL;
void update_player(struct entity_manager *manager, struct entity *entity, float dt)
Player *player = (Player *)entity->instance;
// ... Update player internals using dt if needed
enum types {
// ...
int main(void)
entity_manager_t manager;
// 1 is the number of entities types to allocate at start
// It is used to avoid reallocating memory too often
// If you know the number of different entities types you will have,
// you can set it to that number
new_entity_manager(&manager, 1);
// Register the entity type
register_new_entity(&manager, PLAYER, create_player, destroy_player, update_player);
// Create an entity of type PLAYER
add_entity(&manager, PLAYER /*, args if needed */);
// ... Update loop
while (/* ... */) {
float dt = /* ... */;
update_entities(&manager, dt);
// ... Free entities