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Example contract of ruler protocol impemented on Neo N3 blockchain. Please be patient with RPC testing. Compiler: neo3-boa v0.8.2. Python 3.8 recommended for tests based on neo3vm.

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Python 3.8 is recommended for this project.

Alternative refactored general-purpose test suite: .

Intro allows everyone to borrow paired token by paying a sum of collateral token.

In, the administrator of is expected to call addPair at first to allow other users to call deposit and repay to borrow paired tokens and pay back.

ruler does not directly give paired token to the borrower, but only an equivalent amount of Ruler Capital Token (rcTokens) and another equivalent amount of Ruler Repayment Tokens (rrTokens).

rcTokens are expected to be sold on the market for paired token, and represent the right to claim paired token after the loan expires (by calling collect in after expiry). Usually the price of an rcToken sold on the market is lower than 1 paired token, because rcToken holders can only collect the paired token after a period of time (after expiry). The interest rate of the loan is simply determined by this market-driven price of rcToken.

rrToken is a representation of debt, indicating that the holder must pay back paired token before expiry. rc and rr tokens are created and managed by deploying multiple contracts dynamically by

The following figure shows the 4 steps of a loan operated by ruler and the market.

4 steps of ruler protocol operations

  • Defaulted loans
    • part of collaterals are paid to rcToken holders when part of paired tokens go defaulted
    • Ruler protocol offers FUNGIBLE loan
      • A Pair is utilized by many borrowers. The pool of defaulted paired token is considered as a whole.
      • Any loan expired with any defaulted paired token caused by any borrower leads to all the rcToken holders receiving some collaterals.

Objects / Concepts

  • collateral token: 被抵押的币
  • paired token: 被偿还的币
  • expiry: a date before which the paired tokens are expected to be paid back
  • mint ratio: 1 collateral token for how many rTokens (related to collateral ratio)
  • rcToken: a representation of creditor's right; right to claim paired token . Users do not directly get paired token, but only rTokens from the ruler. rTokens are publicly sold on the market for paired token. Market-driven interest.
  • rrToken: a representation of debt liability; obligation to pay back paired token
  • (I give the ruler 1 paired token; the ruler returns me mint_ratio rcTokens and mint_ratio rrTokens)
  • Pair
    • collateral token
    • paired token
    • expiry
    • mint ratio
    • Representation: symbol of rTokens:
      • ticker symbol: RC_{Collateral}_{Mint Ratio}_{Paired Token}_{Expiry}
      • e.g. RC_wBTC_10000_Dai_12_31_2021


  • Pairs:
    • All the Pair objects and attributes of Pair are managed by administrator.
    • Borrowers should specify all the attributes of an existing Pair to borrow from that pair contract.

Build and deploy your ruler

pip install neo3-boa==0.8.2

First you should compile with the command neo3-boa This contract is used to manage rTokens, and is dynamically deployed by ruler whenever new pairs are added.

Then run python to print rToken.nef as bytes. Paste the bytes in at the linerTokenTemplateNef: bytes = b'NEF3neo3-boa by COZ- ...

Now compile with


And deploy your ruler.nef on the neo3 blockchain with the commanddeploy ruler.nef in neo-cli. Remember to invoke the deploy method of the ruler contract to set the administrator. You can invoke the method using an RPC call, implemented by tests/ Read and understand and edit the test code before running it!

Major APIs of solidity implementation


Functional APIs
/// deposit collateral to a Ruler Pair, sender receives rcTokens and rrTokens
function deposit
address _col,
address _paired,
uint48 _expiry,
uint256 _mintRatio,
uint256 _colAmt
/// repay with rrTokens and paired token amount, sender receives collateral, no fees charged on collateral
function repay
/// sender collect paired tokens by returning same amount of rcTokens to Ruler
function collect
/// redeem with rrTokens and rcTokens before expiry only, sender receives collateral, fees charged on collateral
function redeem
/// market make deposit, deposit paired Token to received rcTokens, considered as an immediately repaid loan
function mmDeposit
/// Directly receive paired token (instead of rcTokens to be sold) with a fee
function flashLoan

function viewCollectible // How much I am eligible to collect

function getCollaterals // Which types of collaterals are available to be paid to borrow paired tokens

function getPairList(address _col) // detailed pair information using this type of collateral

Management APIs
function addPair
address _col,
address _paired,
uint48 _expiry,
string calldata _expiryStr,
uint256 _mintRatio,
string calldata _mintRatioStr,
uint256 _feeRate

function _createRToken // deploy new contracts of rcToken and rrToken

function setFlashLoanRate

function updateCollateral

function setPairActive

function setFeeReceiver

function setPaused // pause new deposits

function setOracle

function maxFlashLoan

function flashFee

Management of fees

Part of paired tokens are marked as fees when borrowers repay. Part of collaterals are marked as fees when lenders collect. Administrator can set the fee rate and the fee receiver.


  • Test of token contract almost OK
  • Pair CR(U?)(D?); collaterals CR(U?)(D?)
  • deposit unit test
  • repay unit test
  • collect unit test

Known Problems

  • Different rulers may deploy rToken contracts of the same Pair(collateral, paired, expiry, mint_ratio). The ruler who deploys the rToken later would run into error: Contract Already Exists: {contract_hash}. A potential idea to resolve the conflict, is to add ruler's executing_script_hash into the name of rToken manifest. However, this method results in '0x05' is invalid within a JSON string. The string should be correctly escaped. , because executing_script_hash is not valid string.
  • Precision of amount of returned token: repaying a little bit of GAS leads to 0 NEO returned. Solution: DO NOT USE NATIVE NEO IN RULER!
  • It's VERY DIFFICULT to interpret the raw results returned from the contract. There has to be an SDK for users. Do not forget to check out tests/ and the test suite in this repository.

Potential new features

  • RULER token and liquidity mining
  • xRULER token


no contract inheritance in Python

no support for returning multiple values

Cannot use wallet with Python SDK

Testing & debugging tactics

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • VM-based
    • Use to run scripts on neo3vm, utilizing neo-mamba.
    • Pros:
      • easily set the environment on the chain
      • faster execution
    • Cons:
      • No wallet support for now
      • Cannot utilize the latest neo-vm
      • Difficult to know the reason of exceptions raised from inside the vm
  • private-chain-based
    • run a private chain with a consensus node and an outer node. The outer node accepts RPC requests from Python, and is run in a visual studio C# debugger with source codes of NEO.
    • Assisted by DumpNef, you can relate the InstructionPointer of the vm to the bytecodes in .nef files and the original Python codes of contract. Create breakpoints in ExecutionEngine.cs to debug at assembly level.
    • Pros:
      • Easy to watch the internal procedures in the blockchain. Easy to detect errors.
      • Almost the same as production environment
    • Cons
      • Harder to setup and reset the environment
      • Slower execution; unknown time for the transaction to be relayed on the blockchain.

Tutorial: How to test your smart contract on the vm using neo-mamba

Intuitively, you may want to deploy your smart contract onto your private blockchain, and test it via neo-cli commands manually, or via RpcServer plugin of neo-cli automatically. In fact, you do not always have to run a "real" blockchain to test your contract. The NEO virtual machine, as the backend of the blockchain's node, can execute the smart contract for you. Just follow these steps:

  1. Build a "virtual" blockchain snapshot as the environment for the vm, simply with 2 lines of codes.

    from neo3 import blockchain
    blockchain.Blockchain.__it__ = None  # This ensures your blockchain as a singleton object. Refer to:
    snapshot = blockchain.Blockchain(store_genesis_block=True).currentSnapshot
    # blockchain is singleton

    This snapshot contains blocks (only the genesis block in our case), contracts deployed on the chain, the history of transactions, and the storage status of all the contracts. This snapshot of blockchain does not update itself automatically. Instead, we use a vm to execute contracts and interact with the chain.

  2. Build your vm, using your blockchain as the environment

    from neo3 import vm, contracts
    from import payloads
    from neo3.contracts import ApplicationEngine
    tx = payloads.Transaction._serializable_init()
    engine = ApplicationEngine(contracts.TriggerType.APPLICATION, tx, snapshot, 0, test_mode=True)

    Now you have an engine to run custom smart contracts. tx is an empty container for your execution of contract.

  3. Load your contract as a Contract object

    Your compiler neo3-boa generates a .nef file and a .manifest.json file. Load them into your Python environment with:

        def read_raw_nef_and_raw_manifest(nef_path: str, manifest_path: str = '') -> Tuple[bytes, dict]:
            with open(nef_path, 'rb') as f:
                raw_nef =
            if not manifest_path:
                file_path, fullname = os.path.split(nef_path)
                nef_name, _ = os.path.splitext(fullname)
                manifest_path = os.path.join(file_path, nef_name + '.manifest.json')
            with open(manifest_path, 'r') as f:
                raw_manifest = json.loads(
            return raw_nef, raw_manifest
        def build_nef_and_manifest_from_raw(raw_nef: bytes, raw_manifest: dict) \
                -> Tuple[contracts.NEF, contracts.manifest.ContractManifest]:
            nef = contracts.NEF.deserialize_from_bytes(raw_nef)
            manifest = contracts.manifest.ContractManifest.from_json(raw_manifest)
            return nef, manifest

    With the nef object and manifest object returned by function build_nef_and_manifest_from_raw, you can build you contract object:

    contract = contracts.ContractState(0, nef, manifest, 0, types.UInt160.deserialize_from_bytes(raw_nef))

    The first 0 is the designated id of the contract in the block chain (assure no two contracts of the same id in the blockchain), and the second 0 is the counter of how many times the contract has been updated (usually just leave this as 0). The types.UInt160.deserialize_from_bytes(raw_nef) is a placeholder for the hash of this contract. Note that the expression does not really generate the correct hash of the contract!

  4. Deploy your contract


    A single line is enough for deploying.

  5. Build a script to call a method in your contract

    First, you need a ScriptBuilder:

    sb = vm.ScriptBuilder()

    Now you can build a script to call a method with arguments:

    sb.emit_dynamic_call_with_args(contract.hash, method, params)

    or without arguments:

    sb.emit_dynamic_call(contract.hash, method)

    Here, method: str is the name of the method in the contract you want to call, and params: List[int, str, bytes, UInt160, ...] is the arguments for the method. If an argument in your method is of type UInt160, you should always give UInt160 type in params. int, bytes and str are not allowed.

    Note that you are just building script in the sb object. You should then let the engine load your script built in sb.

  6. Load your script

  7. Add signers

    Signers are wallets who witness the transaction. This is a safety concern to prevent issues like your transferring another person's tokens into your wallet. Usually you can specify yourself as a signer like this:

    from neo3.core import types
    from neo3.core.types import UInt160
    signers = [payloads.Signer(types.UInt160.from_string('your_wallet_scripthash'), payloads.WitnessScope.CalledByEntry)]


    engine.script_container.signers = signers
  8. Execute your contract!

  9. Commit the execution to the snapshot

    The execution of your contract should make effect on the blockchain, and in most cases you should persist this effect on the blockchain. So do not forget to commit the changes!

  10. Watch the returned values of your method

    print(engine.state, str(engine.result_stack))

    A correct execution should result in engine.state == VMState.HALT. If you get VMState.FAULT, your engine probably have run into troubles.

  11. Continuously execute another method

    Your blockchain has been changed because of the previous execution, and you should inherit the state of the blockchain from the previous engine.

    tx = payloads.Transaction._serializable_init()
    new_engine = ApplicationEngine(contracts.TriggerType.APPLICATION, tx, engine.snapshot, 0, test_mode=True)

    Now your new_engine has obtained the state of the blockchain after the previous execution. Happy testing with your new_engine!

  12. The vm testing suite in this repository

    Consider using this re-encapsulated engine to run your tests!


Example contract of ruler protocol impemented on Neo N3 blockchain. Please be patient with RPC testing. Compiler: neo3-boa v0.8.2. Python 3.8 recommended for tests based on neo3vm.





