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game commands

Hunter edited this page Dec 10, 2016 · 1 revision

This section details all of the commands you can issue to HDT-Voice during a game

Key Replace with...
<card> A card number or name (e.g. "2", "Sludge Belcher", "4")
<friendly> A friendly minion name or number ("minion 4", "Kel'thuzad"), or "hero/face"
<enemy> An enemy minion name or number ("minion 6", "Dr. Boom"), or "hero/face"
<target> A target minion or hero, prefixed by whether they are friendly or enemy (i.e. "my face", "enemy hero")

Other synonyms

Word Also use...
friendly my
enemy opposing, opponent
hero face
hero power Its' name, i.e. "Lesser Heal" or "Armor up!"


Command Action
click <card> Toggle card for mulligan
confirm Confirm selection

During Play

Cursor and targeting

Command Action
target <target> Moves the cursor to the target ("target friendly minion 3")
target card <card> Targets the specified card in your hand
click <target> Clicks on the specified target ("click my face")
click Sends a click to the current cursor location
cancel Sends a right click

Using your Hero Power

Command Action
hero power Use your hero power
hero power on <target> Use your hero power on the specified target

Playing cards from hand

Command Action
<card> Plays a minion to the right side of the board
<card> on/to <target> Plays a minion to the left of the specified friendly target

Playing spells from hand

Command Action
<card> Uses the spell card
<card> on/to <target> Uses the spell card on the specified target

Attacking with minions

Command Action
attack <enemy> with <friendly> ("Attack face with minion 3")
<friendly> go <enemy> As above, but shorter ("Huffer go face!")

Selecting card options

Command Action
choose option <x> of <y> When presented with y options, select option x, say "click" to choose

Sending emotes

Command Action
say <emote> hello/greetings, oops, sorry, threaten, well played, thanks/thankyou