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The hathor-wallet-service is the backend for all official Hathor wallets.

It's designed to run on AWS serverless environment and uses a MySQL database for persisting data. Upon receiving a new transaction, a lambda handles updating the data. Later, when a wallet queries it, API lambdas only need to query the database to get the information.

+─────────────+                        +─────────────+         +──────────+
|             |          new           |             |         |          |
| Sync Daemon |  ───────────────────▶  | txProcessor |         | Database |
|    (k8s)    |      transactions      |  (Lambda)   | ──────▶ |  (RDS)   |
|             |                        |             |         |          |
+─────────────+                        +─────────────+         +──────────+
       ▲                                                             ▲
       |                                                             |
       ▼                                                             ▼
+────────────+                                            +────────────────────────+
|            |                                            |          APIs          |
|  Fullnode  |                                            | (API Gateway & Lambda) |
|            |                                            +────────────────────────+
+────────────+                                                       ▲
                                                              wallet | requests

Test locally

The plugin serverless-offline is used to emulate AWS Lambda and API Gateway on a local machine.


  1. NodeJS v16

Local database

To setup a local database, you will need:

  1. A MySQL database running and the env configured with its connection information
  2. Run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

This should run all migrations from the db/migrations folder and get the database ready

.env file

Create a .env file on the top project folder. It should have the following variables:


Do not modify the STAGE variable. The other variables should be updated accordingly.

AWS cli credentials

You need to have awscli configured with your credentials. It is required even to locally invoke lambdas.

Start serverless-offline

npm run offline

By default, it listens for API calls on http://localhost:3000.

Sync with the fullnode

The sync with the fullnode is made using the Sync Daemon

API calls

After serverless-offline is running, you can make API calls. Here are some examples.

Load a wallet

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"xpubkey":"xpub6EcBoi2vDFcCW5sPAiQpXDYYtXd1mKhUJD64tUi8CPRG1VQFDkAbL8G5gqTmSZD6oq4Yhr5PZ8pKf3Xmb3W3pGcgqzUdFNaCRKL7TZa3res"}' \

Fetch wallet status

curl --request GET http://localhost:3000/wallet/?id=23b44673413f093180ed37ce34b6577d7dedbdec9c1d909fe42be1b0bc341ec9

Fetch wallet balance

curl --request GET http://localhost:3000/balances/?id=23b44673413f093180ed37ce34b6577d7dedbdec9c1d909fe42be1b0bc341ec9

Fetch wallet addresses

curl --request GET http://localhost:3000/addresses/?id=23b44673413f093180ed37ce34b6577d7dedbdec9c1d909fe42be1b0bc341ec9

Fetch tx history

curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/txhistory/?id=23b44673413f093180ed37ce34b6577d7dedbdec9c1d909fe42be1b0bc341ec9&count=5'

Create tx proposal

You need to have some balance for this to succeed.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{ "id": "23b44673413f093180ed37ce34b6577d7dedbdec9c1d909fe42be1b0bc341ec9", "outputs": [{ "address": "H8F5neU87G8gs9XNbNY1XxN9DkAKQKhMoj", "value": 10, "token": "00", "timelock": null}] }' \

Send tx proposal

Proposal must have been created before. Use the proposal id in the path and also update the parents, inputs signatures, weight and nonce.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request PUT \
  --data '{ "timestamp": 1599051796, "parents": ["0002ad8d1519daaddc8e1a37b14aac0b045129c01832281fb1c02d873c7abbf9", "0002d4d2a15def7604688e1878ab681142a7b155cbe52a6b4e031250ae96db0a"], "weight": 1, "nonce": 700, "inputsSignatures": ["aaaa"] }' \

WebSocket API

It's designed to run on AWS serverless environment and uses Redis for ephemeral data (connection store). API Gateway will manage connections while the lambda functions will handle incoming and outcoming messages. If the lambda is responding to a client sent event it will have the information needed to respond to the client that initiated the call, but if the event is not client initiated, the connection store should hold an updated list of connected clients and what information they are requesting so the lambda can filter and send the message to the right clients.

                      +─────────────+          |           |
                      |             |         +───────────+|        +───────────────────+
 ◀──────────────────▶ | Api Gateway |         |           ||        |                   |
    ws connections    |             | ◀─────▶ | Lambda fn |+  ◀──── |        SQS        |
                      +─────────────+         |           |         | (Real Time event) |
                                              +───────────+         |                   |
                                                    |               +───────────────────+
                                          |       Redis        |
                                          | (Connection store) |

WebSocket Action: PING

  • Trigger: Client initiated
  • body: {"action":"ping"}
  • response: {"message":"pong"}

This action is idempotent, the lambda just responds with a PONG message.

WebSocket Action: Join Wallet

  • Trigger: Client initiated
  • body: {"action":"join", "id":"my-wallet-id"}

This action will subscribe the client to any updates of the wallet identified by the id on the body.

WebSocket Action: New TX

  • Trigger: SQS Event
  • When: A new tx is processed by the wallet-service
  • To: All wallets affected by the tx
  • body: {"type": "new-tx", "data": "..."}

WebSocket Action: Update TX

  • Trigger: SQS Event
  • When: An update is made to a tx that was already processed
  • To: All wallets affected by the tx
  • body: {"type": "update-tx", "data": "..."}



Error: More than one instance of bitcore-lib found

This is probably only a bug when running locally. Used this hack to get it working: bitpay/bitcore#1454 (comment)

jest using old files

Sometimes, jest will use old cached js files, even after you modified the typescript code. Just run:

./node_modules/.bin/jest --clearCache

Standard Operating Procedures

Check it in docs/

Nix flakes

Using this project

This project uses Nix with direnv to help with dependencies, including Node.js. To get started, you need to have Nix and direnv installed.

  1. Install Nix and Direnv.
  2. Enable flake support in Nix: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixUnstable
  3. Allow direnv to work in your shell by running direnv allow

Now, every time you enter the project directory, direnv will automatically activate the environment from flake.nix, including the specific version of Node.js specified there. When you leave the directory, it will deactivate. This ensures a consistent and isolated environment per project.