Hassium is a dynamic scripting programming language written in C#. The syntax is similar to Python, Ruby, and C#. The language is easy to learn from the wiki, and the standard library has been documented in the docs/ folder included in the repo.
Hello World example:
func main () {
println ("Hello, World!");
Visit our website at: http://HassiumLang.com
You can execute safe Hassium code in our online interpreter. Want to embed Hassium in your site/blog?
<iframe src="http://hassiumlang.com/Hassium/embed.php" height="540px" width="530px"></iframe>
On our Wiki you can find specific documentation on Hassium classes and functions as well as a general programming in Hassium guide found here.
Hassium is free as in freedom and free beer. If you still wish to make a donation you can deposit bitcoin to 32ZVEmqWXyBGYBGPa4nm2ymu5tLdfZ85Pz
Any questions can be directed to myself at misiriansoft@gmail.com or on irc.int0x10.com:6697 as Reagan, or to zdimension at zippedfire (@) free.fr or on irc.int0x10.com:6697 as zdimension.