This repository contains two main tools to make working with SPINS easier and more efficient: driver scripts to automate your workflow when sweeping parameter space, and a script to interpolate existing SPINS output to a higher resolution grid and restart the simulation. These tools are specifically written to use on the Compute Canada Graham system. The SPINS grid refinement script should be quite portable between systems, but the driver scripts are especially tailored to Graham's scheduling software.
The set of driver scripts (driver_mode1_mode2.m
, mode1_mode2.txt
, and
) automates the workflow of submitting multiple jobs to explore parameter space. See the tutorial on the fluids wiki, using the files in the tutorial/
The following section describes how to edit these scripts to work for your specific experiment.
First, decide what parameters will be case dependent, and which will be case independent. Write a text file (see format in tutorial/mode1_mode2.txt
) specifying the parameters for each case you want to run.
The driver script (see tutorial/driver_mode1_mode2.m
) reads the parameters from the text file, writes a corresponding spins.conf
file, and creates and writes the initial velocity and density fields. The case independent parameters should be specified at the top of the script as constants, and any case dependent parameters should be read in from the text table. You may have to change what is written to spins.conf
submission script submits the jobs to the Graham scheduler. You must change the casenames=...
line in this script to match the casenames specified in the text cases file. This script then submits a job from each case directory using
, which runs wavereader.x
Grid refinement is done through the script spins_refinement.m
in the matlab
folder. This script has a lot in it, but it is easy to use. The typical steps you want to use to use the refinement script are:
- Adjust the parameters at the top of the script that specify the new grid size, which output to refine, and the interpolation method. The parameters are:
nx = 4; % nx times of original resolution in x
nz = 2; % nz times of original resolution in z
ii = 100; % number of output to interpolate
method = 'nearest'; % Matlab built-in interpolation method
% 'nearest', 'linear', 'spline' or 'cubic'
The parameters nx = 4
and nz = 2
mean that the number of grid points in the horizontal and vertical directions will be increased by a factor of 4 and 2 respectively. The line ii = 100 determined what output would the user would like to refine and begin the new simulation from. This output will be the new initial condition for the higher resolution version of your case. Be aware that the output you choose must be sufficiently early that any transient motion due to the interpolation can be removed by viscosity or filtering before the motion of interest is analyzed. Lastly, you may also edit the variable ‘method’, which changes the interpolation method used. Currently, the only methods available are nearest, linear, spline, or cubic. In the future, a separate script for spectral interpolation may be added.
2. Run the edited spins_refinement.m
in the working directory. This script writes the interpolated fields to file in a new directory called high_res
. It also writes a spins.conf
file with the new grid specifications.
3. Copy the submit script and wavereader.x
into the high_res
directory. You probably want to increase the number of processors and/or increase the allocated time in the submission script. For example, if you have nx = 4
and nz = 2
, you might increase number of processors 4 times, and double the allocated time. Now you can submit your high resolution simulation!
If you want to change any parameters in spins.conf
other than the resolution, you need to add an extra line to spins_refinement.m
. For example, say you are interested in also changing the viscosity for the higher resolution case. Then to change the viscosity to 1e-7, you would add
params.visco = 1.e-7
before the new spins.conf
is written. A logical place could be after the new Nx
and Nz
are written:
% Update grids in spins.conf file
params.Nx = Nx_new;
params.Nz = Nz_new;
params.visco = 1.e-7; % Add this
Note: spins_refinment.m
requires the SPINSmatlab repository to run. Clone the SPINSmatlab repository and follow the instructions over there to add to your matlab path.