we realized the lack of proper framework for providing medical facilities.
A website right at your fingertips providing numerous medical facilities to people all around. Our main objective being the provision of immediate help to the patients at the time of any medical emergency.
Even doctors or any other medical representatives can get a super easy access to the dilemmas of their patients.** Onzorg** is a much needed tool in today's fast paced world.
This project has been developed on the platform VISUAL STUDIO CODE using languages like HTML,CSS,JS at front end and PHP/MYSQL at the back end.
we all are budding programmers and quite new in this field which itself was a major challenge.
Despite having minimal knowledge and experience in this field we made significant progress in our web development project.
We learned a whole lot of things during this project such as making and editing videos, presentation, using Git and many more.
Incorporating as much features as possible in the coming future.