Infant Informant (Android Application) : It's an application designed for parents to monitor academic success for their children. Parents can log in to this application by filling information like GR number of student and password given by the school. Parent's can use various feature of application such as My profile to see student details, daily homework updates, Attendance to check attendance over the intake, parent's can submit leave request and they can get approval update in an application, Fees feature is to check fee status, Access to event updates, Timetable will show you a schedule of the term, Result feature will show result submitted by school administration department and parents can raise query and professor can respond to that query.
IIFaculty (Android Application) : IIFaculty application is developed for professors. Professor can log in by using their faculty ID and password. They can see their profile details, publish homework on daily basis, enter attendance details, approve leave requests and if they want to decline then they can specify the reason for leave rejection, and they can respond to query raised by parents.
Infant Informant Dashboard (Web Application) : This web application is specially developed for the school administration department. As administrators of school will require much authority, the admin will receive a powerful features of portal in the form of a web application. Admin will receive a hyperlink from this project and admin can log in using user ID and password. In Faculty feature admin can add new faculty ID's. Admin can activate and deactivate these ids at any time. Admin can add student details, tuition fee updates, result updates, modify exist student details and they can search for details of a specific student. Admin can upload a timetable for a class and event for the entire school. In recapitulation, an admin will get full access to a system that is required to manage a school.
Infant Informant | IIFaculty | Infant Informant Dashboard |
My Profile | My Profile | Student Data Management |
Homework | Homework | Faculty Data Management |
Attendance | Attendance | |
Leave | Leave | |
Fees | Fees | |
Events | Events | |
Timetable | Timetable | |
Result | Result | |
Query | Query |
This is UI design made by me on Jan 30,2019 for my final year BE project. UI is made by the use of Adobe XD. Icons and images were taken from various sources available online.
You can go through User Interface by use of a link available below or you can use Infant Informant design.xd file to export it in your Adobe XD Software. 😄
https://xd.adobe.com/view/ddba2d6e-3903-4c2d-4cc4-6b5d17e3c698-ab8b/?fullscreen 🎉🎊
Infant Informant Application | |||
IIFaculty Application | ||||
Database : Data Base.xlsx file was made to develop the structure of a database. This folder has a Database.sql file. It is a backup of my database and there are many images of database tables that show how data is stored in tables.
Diagrams : Diagram folder contains images of DFD, ER, activity, flowcharts, statechart, usecase and class diagrams.
Files Hosted in server This Folder has all PHP files of project : These PHP files were used by android applications to fetch data from database and perform CRUD operations. Event and profile_pictures folder stores images uploaded by administration and users.:ghost:
IIFaculty Application code for faculties : IIFaculty code is an android project. You can import this project in your Android studio by cloning this repository. IIFaculty application is developed by this project.:man_teacher:
Infant Informant Application code for parents : Infant Informant application was developed by this android studio project.:family_man_woman_girl_boy:
Infant Informant Dashboard code For administration : Admin panel was developed by these files.:school:
IIFaculty.apk : This application is developed for faculties of educational institutes. It is an application file that is installable in android devices. I can't provide credentials that can allow you to see application because the project was hosted on ooo web host. As ooo WebHost provides 1 year free hosting my hosting is expired.:man_teacher:
Infant Informant.apk : This application is developed by me for the parents of students.:family_man_woman_girl_boy:
Poster of project.pdf : Poste gives a brief detail about the project.:art:
Presentation.pptx : The presentation was used to present my project. This presentation has screenshots of applications to illustrate how features are looking in the application.:bowtie:
Report.pdf : This report is an academic report and it contains detailed knowledge about my project.:blue_book: