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This protocol is used for performing structural modification of ligands with Delete method.

Define Replacement

Discover patterns with pharmacophore modeling.

Use Delete

Download the Delete and follow the guidelines to build the surf_maker environment and delete environment.

Scenario: if you have a target on which to design, and you have a prepared fragment. You can generate a series of possible modifications using Delete. The used checkpoint can be downloaded here.


Then you would get a series of modified molecules.

Fix Proteins (Optional)

For a number of reasons, some proteins may not have the experimental conformations, such as parp7. To use Delete for this case, you need to predict its conformation with AlphaFold2 or homology modeling.

Once you get the AlphaFold-predicted conformations, they often contain some unphysical local structures, like twisted rings or something. The geometry optimization is suggested. I have prepared an OpenMM-based code for doing this automatically.

The first thing is to clean the protein file, like replacing nonstandard residues and repairing atoms and residues.

pdbfixer protein.pdb --replace-nonstandard --add-atoms=all --add-residues

Then, perform local geometry optimization.

python ./protein-geom/ --input_pdb xxx --out_name xxx

(Optional) You can run the protein conformation simulation with explicit solvent.

python ./protein-geom/ --input_pdb xxx --out_name xxx

(Optional) Sometimes, you may want to perform the protein-ligand simulation to explore more possibilities, like optimizing molecules from different conformational states.

To be continued. 

Fail to Generate Molecules?

Filter the molecules

3D Filter

Filter generated fragments according to the given fragments. Sometimes, delete will generate redundant fragments beyond the given attachment points. Therefore, I write a script to filter this problem. Basically, it involves frag-mol atom mapping, and generated fragment attribution with BFS search.

from filter.editmol_3d import read_sdf, filter_genmol_ac_attach
gen_mol = read_sdf('./fgfr3_example.sdf')[0]
frag = read_sdf('./fgfr3_frag.sdf')[0]
filtered_mol = filter_genmol_ac_attach(gen_mol, frag, [6])


Mol Prop


You can use a series of docking software, where the scripts are stored in the ./docking



OpenFreeEnergy/Lomap: Alchemical mutation scoring map (

Expert Selection Visualization


One way to visualize the generated molecules is by mapping them with the t-map, please refer to the following Git for implementation. The different color could be attributed to different properties.

Similarity Clustering

You can use a similarity matrix to cluster molecules, and select several ones in each cluster. I have provided an example in the following repository.


Make PDF analysis.

You can use the ./clustering/ or ./clustering/sort_by_similarity.ipynb to sort the molecules into PDF format for experts' review. The generated example are outlined as follows:


Scaffold Analysis


Scaffold Hunter.



ChemBio is my first choice since it is quite easy to use.

Select Chemicals from Libraries.

Synthesizing designed molecules is not available for some researchers. Therefore, we provide the script to select the molecule most similar to the generated one. This protocol indeed has some advantages, including securing the drug-like properties of ligands, but it sacrifices the chemical space exploration abilities, sometimes leading to the missing of hit compounds.

Download Libraries

There are plenty of choices of ligand libraries, such as CHEMBL, ZINC, ChemDiv, and Specs. You should download them from the original resources in the ./library.

ChemDiv: ChemDiv contains several .sdf files, including DC01_400000.sdf, DC02_400000.sdf, DC03_332268.sdf, IC_136982.sdf, and NC_292464.sdf. You can use obabel to merge them together.

obabel DC01_400000.sdf, DC02_400000.sdf, DC03_332268.sdf, IC_136982.sdf, NC_292464.sdf -O chemdiv.sdf

Specs: Specs only has one file, whereas mine is named Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.sdf.

ZINC: Zinc needs you to download the files, where the command is obtained from the ZINC Website. I have prepared a makingscript in the ./library/Zinc_download.ipynb.

Search the Most Similar Molecules

Our script employs commercial software, OpenEye, for fast-searching compound libraries.

# Make fingerprints of libraries. Here we show the chemdiv example. Try other libraries based on your own needs. 
python ./openeye/ -in ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.sdf -fpdb ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.fpbin

# Once you obtain the fingerprint database (fpbin), you can search the query mol using the following script. 
python ./openeye/ --query_sdf ./frag2.sdf --molfname ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.sdf --fpdbfname ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.fpbin --saved_sdf ./case_examples/sim_searched.sdf --num_return 50

Search the Molecule Containing the Query Structure

My script provides three ways to do the substructure matching: Vanilla, AddBondAliphaticConstraint, and AddBondTopologyConstraint. I have implemented the script with frag2 as the query, Specs as the library.

The official explanation of three parameters can be found here.

python ./openeye/ --query_sdf frag2.sdf --library ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.sdf --saved_file ./hit.sdf 


When the AddBondAliphaticConstraint option is used, the substructure search algorithm imposes an additional constraint requiring that bonds in the query molecule match only aliphatic bonds in the target molecules. An aliphatic bond is a single, double, or triple bond that occurs in an aliphatic compound, which is a compound consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms arranged in straight chains, branched chains, or non-aromatic rings. This constraint ensures that the query's bond types (regarding their aliphatic nature) must be explicitly matched in the targets, excluding aromatic bonds even if they might otherwise satisfy the query's connectivity and count requirements.

python ./openeye/ --query_sdf frag2.sdf --library ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.sdf --saved_file ./hit.sdf --aliphatic yes


The AddBondTopologyConstraint option introduces a constraint on the bond topology during the substructure search. Bond topology refers to the overall connectivity and arrangement of atoms and bonds within a molecule, distinguishing between open chain (acyclic) and ring (cyclic) structures. This option ensures that the search algorithm considers the bond's presence in a ring or an open chain as part of the matching criteria. It requires that the bonds in the query molecule match bonds in the target molecules with the same topological characteristics (e.g., being part of a ring or not).

python ./openeye/ --query_sdf frag2.sdf --library ./library/Specs_ExAcD_Aug_2020.sdf --saved_file ./hit.sdf --bondtop yes


When you face some problem in drug discovery, just delete






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