This directory contains the code and resources of the following paper: Boosting single-cell gene regulatory network reconstruction via bulk-cell transcriptomic data which is published in Briefings in Bioinformatics (
- python==3.7
- einops==0.3.0
- pytorch==1.7.0+cu101
- pandas==1.1.4
- numpy==1.19.4
- scikit-learn==0.23.2
- argparse==1.4.0
All dependencies can be installed within a few minutes.
[src] contains the detailed implementation for the self-supervised step of the GRN-Transformer
[demo_data] contains the example of the used dataset.
- 500_ChIP-seq_mDC
- inputs:
- Including the gene expression data 'data.csv' (cells in columns and genes in rows),
- ground truth cell-type-specific GRN 'label.csv' (two columns, TF names and target names),
- GRN inference result by using PIDC 'PIDC_output_file.txt'
- train-test-split index files 'split_non_*.pkl'(two list, first list is the training index and second list is the test index)
- TF-target names 'train_z.npy' (two columns, TF names and target names)
- ground truth cell-type-specific GRN labels 'train_y.npy' (1 is for edge in cell-type-specific GRN while 0 is for edge not in cell-type-specific GRN, generated from label.csv)
- cell-type-non-specific ChIP-seq training labels 'train_y_non.npy'(1 is for edge in non-specific GRN while 0 is for edge not in non-specific GRN, generated from other_data/human_Non-specific-ChIP-seq-network.csv (for hESC and hHep) and other_data/mouse_Non-Specific-ChIP-seq-network.csv (for mHSC, mESC, mDC))
- outputs:
- Including example pretrain result 'pretrain_output.pkl' by running code
- example performance output file 'performance.pkl' by running code
- inputs:
- other_data Including TFs and cell-type-non-specific GRN collected by BEELINE benchmark.
- 500_ChIP-seq_mDC
- Simulation
- inputs: Similar with inputs directory of 500_ChIP-seq_mDC except train-test-split index files. 'split_*_0.5.pkl' denotes to the split file for train-test-split (without label flipped).
- outputs: Similar with outputs directory of 500_ChIP-seq_mDC
[] The main function for the self-supervised learning step.
[] The main function for the supervised learning step.
We take 500_ChIP-seq_mDC data as an example.
self-supervised step
python --data_file ./demo_data/BEELINE/500_ChIP-seq_mDC/inputs/data.csv --PIDC_file ./demo_data/BEELINE/500_ChIP-seq_mDC/inputs/PIDC_output_file.txt --save_name pretrain_output --attention conventional_attention
where '--data_file' denotes the input expression data (cells in rows and genes in columns),
'--PIDC_file' denotes the input pre-calculated PIDC file (three columns (TF name, Target gene name, and importance values),
'--attention' denotes the attention mechanism (selection from {conventional_attention, efficient_attention, performer, reformer}),
'--save_name' denotes the output filename used in the following supervised step.We recommend using conventional_attention when the number of genes is not too large (e.g., less than 2000 for GTX1080 Ti). Please run with GPU. It should be finished within 6 hours for the given demo dataset.
supervised step
python --split_file split_non_1.pkl --pre_GRN_file ./demo_data/BEELINE/500_ChIP-seq_mDC/outputs/pretrain_output.pkl --data_dir ./demo_data/BEELINE/500_ChIP-seq_mDC/inputs/ --train_y_file train_y_non.npy --output_file ./demo_data/BEELINE/500_ChIP-seq_mDC/outputs/performance.pkl
where '--pre_GRN_file' denotes the output file of the previous self-supervised step,
'--data_dir' denotes the directory which includes all training data,
'--train_y_file' denotes the name of the training label file,
'--output_file' denotes the output file name.
It should be finished in several minutes for the given demo dataset.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.