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Marslite Robot Simulator in Supermarket


Hardware (PC)

  • NVIDIA GPU (compatible with NVIDIA GPU driver 515 version)


  • NVIDIA-driver-515
  • nvidia-docker2
  • docker engine


1. Install Docker engine

The required packages and tools of this simulator system could be easily accessed by specifying the Docker image. With the usage of Docker images, users do not need to worry about any possibility to encounter problems related to incompatible software tools. To completely understand what Docker is, please refer to this webpage.

If you have not installed Docker engine on your Ubuntu desktop, please click this to follow the instructions in the official Docker documents.

2. Pull the specified Docker image from Docker Hub

To utilize the simulator system, users are required to download my designed image. Run the following command to obtain the latest version of my Docker image (click here to check the tagname):

docker pull handianyang/marslite_simulation:cuda12.1.1-pytorch2.5.1-noetic

3. Enter the Docker container

Open a new terminal window (or press Ctrl+Alt+t) and reach to the root of the marslite_simulation_ws workspace directory:

# Assume the workspace directory is placed under `~` directory
cd ~/marslite_simulation_ws

Run the following command to enter the Docker container based on the latest tag of handianyang/marslite_simulation image:


This command creates a Docker container named marslite and guides you in.

Specifically, the above bash script can be executed when you expect to:

  • launch a new container
  • enter a running container (when you work with multiple terminal windows)
  • restart an exited container (when you've left the container previously)

4. Create a Python3.10 virtual environment

Since we utilized Python scripts for object detection features, the best practice is to create a Python virtual environment on your own. The recommended (and tested) version of Python is 3.10.

First, make sure you already have Python3.10 installed:

ls /usr/bin/python*

If you can't find /usr/bin/python3.10, install it (refer to Python official websites).

Create an empty Python3.10 virtual environment under the root of the workspace directory:

python3.10 -m venv venv-3-10

Activate (Enter) the virtual environment:

source venv-3-10/bin/activate

Install dependencies inside the environment from requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt


(Recommended) Use tmux interface

After entering the container, simply type tmux to enter the tmux interface.


Some frequently used tmux shortcuts are listed here:

  • Split the current pane with a horizontal line: Ctrl+b "

  • Split the current pane with a vertical line: Ctrl+b %

  • Switch to pane to the given direction:

    • Ctrl+b $\uparrow$
    • Ctrl+b $\downarrow$
    • Ctrl+b $\leftarrow$
    • Ctrl+b $\rightarrow$
  • Resize current pane:

    • Ctrl+b+$\uparrow$ or Ctrl+b Ctrl+$\uparrow$
    • Ctrl+b+$\downarrow$ or Ctrl+b Ctrl+$\downarrow$
    • Ctrl+b+$\leftarrow$ or Ctrl+b Ctrl+$\leftarrow$
    • Ctrl+b+$\rightarrow$ or Ctrl+b Ctrl+$\rightarrow$
  • Close current pane: Ctrl+b x (or type exit command)

  • Enter copy mode (mouse/keyboard scrolling and copying allowed): Ctrl+b [

  • Quit the copy mode: q

For more tmux commands, please refer to the tmux command cheat sheet.

Build the ROS workspace

Under the root of the marslite_simulation_ws directory:


(Optional) the alias:


Source the ROS workspace bash script

For EVERY parallel terminal window, under ANY directory:

source ~/marslite_simulation_ws/devel/setup.bash

(Optional) the alias:


Clear up

Remove the Docker container

If you somehow mess up with the existing container (e.g. having trouble apt-get update), or you would like to test another projects under the environment provided from the same docker image, another option is to give up any changes you have made in this contaminated container.

Simply run the command outside the Docker container:

docker rm marslite  # for container based on the latest tag

where marslite is the default name of the container.

If your container was based on previous version, remember to change the container name to marslite_prev:

docker rm marslite_prev  # for container based on previous tags


The following lists some commands that demonstrates the way to launch the simulated environment and the robot, as well as some marslite operations, such as navigation.

Note that every command should be executed on the Docker container rather than on your local machine.

Launch ROS-sharp communication

[Purpose] To connect to Unity through WebSocket

roslaunch file_server ros_sharp_communication.launch

Launch Gazebo world

  1. Launch a Gazebo world of supermarket environment with Marslite robot:

    roslaunch mars_lite_description gazebo_supermarket.launch

    (Optional) Launch with D435 camera

    roslaunch mars_lite_description gazebo_supermarket.launch realsense_enabled:=true
  2. Spawn a Marslite robot in an existing Gazebo world:

    roslaunch mars_lite_description spawn_mars.launch

    (NOTE) This SHALL NOT be launched with gazebo_supermarket.launch.

Launch the T265 camera

  1. Launch the realsense T265 camera nodelet:

    roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_t265.launch enable_fisheye1:=true enable_fisheye2:=true
  2. Launch the realsense T265 camera nodelet with its pose displayed in RVIZ:

    roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_t265.launch

    (1) This SHALL NOT be launched with rs_t265.launch.
    (2) The demo_t265.launch does not contain enable_fisheye1 and enable_fisheye2 parameters.

Navigation features

  1. Launch SLAM using 'gmapping' method:

    roslaunch marslite_navigation slam_gmapping.launch
  2. Launch navigation with A* and DWA:

    roslaunch marslite_navigation navigation.launch
  3. Directly drive the robot with keyboard inputs:

    roslaunch marslite_navigation teleop_keyboard.launch
  4. Directly drive the robot with joystick inputs:

    roslaunch marslite_navigation teleop_joystick.launch
  5. Drive the robot with shared autonomy with keyboard inputs (navigation.launch is required to launch)

    roslaunch marslite_navigation shared_control_keyboard.launch
  6. Drive the robot with shared autonomy with joystick inputs (navigation.launch is required to launch)

    roslaunch marslite_navigation shared_control_joystick.launch

Robotic arm control

  1. Launch the Moveit! control interface

    roslaunch mars_lite_moveit_config mars_lite_moveit_planning_execution_gz.launch
  2. Launch control tests (For detailed description, please refer to the document)

    ## Test trajectory planning toward fixed positions
    roslaunch marslite_control test_default_pose_planning.launch
    ## Test kinematics of TM5-series robotic arm 
    roslaunch marslite_control test_kinematics.launch
    ## Test joystick teleoperation
    roslaunch marslite_control test_joystick_teleoperation.launch


A ROS workspace for marslite simulation







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