Publish Playwright test run on Xray
This reporter is based in playwright zephyr from Yevhen Laichenkov Thanks Yevhen for the great contribution
npm i -D playwright-xray
Add reporter to your playwright.config.ts
configuration file
Authenticate with client_id
and client_secret
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [
jira: {
url: 'https://your-jira-url',
type: 'cloud',
apiVersion: '1.0',
cloud: {
client_id: '',
client_secret: '',
projectKey: 'JIRA_CODE',
debug: false,
Authenticate with token
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [
jira: {
url: 'https://your-jira-url',
type: 'server',
apiVersion: '1.0',
server: {
projectKey: 'JIRA_CODE',
debug: false,
Also, your playwright tests should include unique ID J79
of your Xray test case + |
// Xray test case ID + |
test('J79 | basic test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');
const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');
await expect(title).toHaveText('Playwright');
Is it possible to add some optional values to the Test Execution ticket.
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [
jira: {
url: 'https://your-jira-url',
type: 'server',
apiVersion: '1.0',
cloud: {
client_id: '',
client_secret: '',
server: {
token: '',
projectKey: 'JIRA_CODE',
testPlan: 'JIRA_CODE-XXX',
debug: false,
// Optional
testExecution: 'JIRA_CODE-YYY',
version: 'v1.0',
revision: '12345',
description: 'This test was executed automatically',
testEnvironments: ['dev', 'test'],
If you use a proxy to access Jira, you need to configure the proxy. This proxy information will be used by Axios to send the results to Jira.
// playwright.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
reporter: [
jira: {
url: 'https://your-jira-url',
type: 'server',
apiVersion: '1.0',
cloud: {
client_id: '',
client_secret: '',
server: {
token: '',
projectKey: 'JIRA_CODE',
testPlan: 'JIRA_CODE-XXX',
debug: false,
// Optional
proxy: {
protocol: 'http',
host: '',
port: 80,
auth: {
username: 'USER',
password: 'p@$$w0Rd',
If your proxy server doesn't need authentication, just omit the
part.If no proxy is configured, Axios is forced to doesn't use proxy.
Then run your tests with npx playwright test
command and you'll see the result in console:
⏺ Starting the run with 6 tests
✅ Chrome | XRAYISSUE-2 | another test
✅ Chrome | XRAYISSUE-1 | basic test
✅ Firefox | XRAYISSUE-1 | basic test
⛔ Chrome | XRAYISSUE-3 | another test
⛔ Firefox | XRAYISSUE-2 | another test
⛔ Firefox | XRAYISSUE-3 | another test
😀 Successfully sending test results to Jira
⏺ Description: Tests executed with playwright-xray plugin
⏺ Test environments: dev,test
⏺ Version: 3.5.2
⏺ Revision: 12345
⏺ Browsers: Chrome, Firefox
⏺ Test plan: XRAYISSUE-123
⏺ Test execution: XRAYISSUE-324
⏺ Test Duration: 25s
⏺ Tests ran: 6
⏺ Tests passed: 3
⏺ Tests failed: 3
⏺ Test cycle XRAYISSUE-324 has been updated
👇 Check out the test result
And you'll see the result in the Xray:
If you need to send report for more than one test plan, you need to create a config file for each test plan. Create a folder (e.g. configs) in your project and for each test plan, create a new playwright config file in this folder.
// configs/TCK-87.config.ts
import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';
import base from '../playwright.config';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
testDir: '../tests',
use: {
headless: true,
reporter: [
jira: {
url: 'https://your-jira-url',
type: 'server',
apiVersion: '1.0',
server: {
projectKey: 'TCK',
testPlan: 'TCK-87',
export default config;
Now you can choose which config file you want to use executing the tests, using the command below:
npx playwright test --config=configs/TCK-87.config.ts
If no config file is chosen, the default config file "playwright.config.ts" will be used.
- To have the steps imported you have to create then in the test issue itself. The steps will be imported by order of execution and inserted into the test.
playwright-xray is MIT licensed.
Fúlvio Carvalhido