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By: GP-6

This repository houses the code for an integrated library management system developed as a group project for our GitHub class.
The system aims to streamline library operations, providing a user-friendly interface for both librarians and patrons.


1. User Interface:

  • Dark Mode: Supports a visually appealing dark mode for comfortable nighttime use.
  • Responsive Design: Adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

2. Core Functionality:

  • User Authentication: Secure user login and registration system.

3. Member Management:

  • Add new members to the library.
  • Edit existing member details (e.g., contact information, membership status).

4. Transaction Management:

  • Record book checkouts, returns, and renewals.
  • Track fines and overdue notices.
  • Edit transaction records as needed.

5. Book Management:

  • Add new books to the library catalog,
  • Book title, author, ISBN, publication year.
  • Detailed descriptions and summaries.
  • Upload book cover images using image URLs.
  • Edit existing book records with updated information.


  • Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a robust and dynamic user experience.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Functions effectively across different operating systems and browsers.
  • Hosting: The website is hosted using GitHub Pages.


1. IDE /Code Editor: VSCode or any other.
2. Hosting: GitHub Pages.
3. Live Server Extension: To review the website.
4. Prettier Extension: To organise the code.
5. Auto Rename Tag Extension: For fast code access write up.
6. Gitingest: For making attractive layout of code.
7. Code Runner Extension: For detection of valid syntax.


1. Clone the Repository:

  • Clone this repository to your local machine using Git:

  • Bash

      git clone <>

2. Open in VS Code:

  • Open the cloned repository in VS Code.
  • Install Live Server Extension.
    • Open the VS Code Extensions panel (Ctrl+Shift+X).
    • Search for "Live Server" and install the extension by Ritwick Dey.
    • Start the Live Server.
  • Open the index.html file in the editor.
  • Right-click anywhere within the file and select "Open with Live Server" from the context menu.

3. Access the Website:

  • The website will open in your default web browser.
  • The URL will be displayed in the VS Code output panel.

4. Deployment to GitHub Pages

  • Create a gh-pages Branch:
  • Open the terminal in VS Code.
    • Create a new branch named gh-pages:

    • Bash

        git checkout -b gh-pages
  • Copy Files to gh-pages Branch:
  • Copy all the necessary files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) from the main branch to the gh-pages branch.
  • Commit and Push Changes:
    • Commit the changes to the gh-pages branch:

    • Bash

        git add .
        git commit -m "Deploy to GitHub Pages"
        Push the gh-pages branch to the remote repository:

5. git push origin gh-pages

  • Configure GitHub Pages:

    • Go to your repository settings on GitHub.
    • Under "GitHub Pages," select the "gh-pages" branch as the source.
  • Access the Deployed Website:

    • The deployed website will be available at the following URL:



Get the Docker file: DockerFile

Hosted: GitHub Pages

Project Structure

Directory structure:
└── haksham-gp6_5/
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    ├── docker_commands.txt
    ├── index.html
    ├── scripts.js
    ├── styles.css
    ├── .dockerignore
    ├── pics/
    │   ├── coderunner.PNG
    │   ├── dark.PNG
    │   ├── main.PNG
    │   ├── members.PNG
    │   └── transcations.PNG
    └── .github/
        ├── FUNDING.yml
        └── ISSUE_TEMPLATE/


Member 1:Harshvardhan Mehta
Member 2:Chandan H K
Member 3:Deepak B P
Member 4:Joann Joseph
Member 5:Mangesh Nesarikar