Daily Note is an application that allows the user to create notes with images and reminders in a simple but aesthetically pleasing interface. The application follows the most recent design guidelines of the Google operating system.
The purpose of creating this application was to show how to implement latest features and functions recommended by Google (Jetpack Libraries) using kotlin.
- Material Design Interface: Basic add, modify, delete actions
- Filtering notes based on favorite flag
- Image attachement
- Note list
- Reminderlist
- Date selection
- Time selection
- Navigation Component
- Permissions
- AlarmManager
- ViewPager
- RecyclerView with DiffUtil
- Collapsing Toolbar
- Dialogs
- Fragment-to-Fragment communication (Callbacks)
- Data binding: one & two way + Binding Adapters
- AndroidX - Previously known as 'Android support Library'
- Glide - for loading and caching images
- Koin - for dependency injection
- Android Architecture Components
- Android Data Binding
- Material Design
- Navigation
- github/android - Proper use of Architecture Components